1600-1754: Native Americans: Publications

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1600-1754: Native Americans: Publications

Andrés González Barcía, Ensayo Cronológico para la Historia General de la Florida, 15121722 (Madrid, 1723)a Spanish study of interactions with Native Americans and European rivals in the 1500s and 1600s;

John Mason, A Brief History of the Pequot War (Boston: S. Kneeland & T. Green, 1736)a firsthand account of the 1637 war on the Connecticut River, written by an English officer but not published until a century after the fighting;

Mary Rowlandson, The Soveraignty & Goodness of God... (Boston: Printed by Samuel Green, Jr., 1682)a captivity narrative of a victim of Metacoms War in New England;

John Smith, A True Relation of Such Occurences and Accidents of Noate as Hath Hapned in Virginia since the First Planting of That Collony... (London: Printed for John Tappe, 1608)contains descriptions of the Powhatan tribe;

John Underhill, Newes from America; or, A New and Experimentall Discoverie of New England (London: Printed by J. D. for Peter Cole, 1638)an account by a participant in the near extermination of the Pequots.

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1600-1754: Native Americans: Publications

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    1600-1754: Native Americans: Publications