
views 3,786,720 updated May 18 2018

pa·sha / ˈpäshə; ˈpashə; pəˈshä/ • n. (also pacha) hist. the title of a Turkish officer of high rank.


views 2,789,660 updated May 29 2018

pasha former title for a Turkish officer of high rank. There were three grades of pashas, distinguished by the number of horsetails they wore: three tails indicated a rank corresponding to commanding general; two, a rank corresponding to general of division; one, a rank corresponding to general of brigade; from this come the expressions pasha of three tails and pasha of two tails.

Recorded from the 17th century, the word comes from Turkish paşa.


views 2,301,591 updated May 29 2018

pasha, pacha Ottoman title of officers of high rank. XVII. — Turk. paşa, perh. identical with başa, f. baş head, chief.


views 3,284,246 updated May 18 2018

Pasha. Turkish military and civil title denoting someone of high rank. The title persists in some Arab countries for more local authorities.

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