Tedder, Sir Arthur

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Tedder, Sir Arthur (1890–1967). Tedder read history at Cambridge, then joined the RFC in the First World War. He commanded the Middle East Royal Air Force, May 1941 to February 1943. Next he was in charge of allied air forces in the Mediterranean before becoming deputy supreme commander of ‘Overlord’. He was responsible for securing the co-ordination of all allied aircraft in the invasion. Tedder made compatible the independence of air forces from ground and naval forces, essential for flexibility, with quick support from the air when needed.

Tedder's contribution to allied success, especially in Normandy, 1944, involved ‘interdiction’: preventing enemy supplies and reinforcements from reaching the battlefield by attacking road and rail transport, direct and prompt tactical support for ground troops, using fighter-bombers as mobile artillery, and his occasional diversion of British and American heavy bombers to support big offensives. He showed tactful impartiality and lessened the damage done by the bumptious vanity of Generals Montgomery and Patton. He became marshal of the RAF and was made viscount in 1946.

R. A. C. Parker

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