Onondaga Castle, New York

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Onondaga Castle, New York

ONONDAGA CASTLE, NEW YORK. 19-25 April 1779. As a preliminary response to British raids on the Mohawk Valley, which would lead to John Sullivan's expedition, Colonel Gose Van Schaick led a 550-man force from his First New York Regiment and Colonel Peter Gansevoort's Third New York Regiment on a 180-mile sweep against the Onondaga villages between Fort Stanwix and Oswego. Without losing a man, he inflicted heavy damage, including destroying the primary village, known as the Onondaga Castle. On 10 May the Continental Congress thanked the participants in a special resolve.

SEE ALSO Gansevoort, Peter; Sullivan's Expedition against the Iroquois; Van Schaick, Gose.


Roberts, Robert B. New York's Forts in the Revolution. Rutherford, N.J.: Fairleigh Dickinson University Press, 1980.

                          revised by Robert K. Wright Jr.

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