Hutchinson, Lucy

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Hutchinson, Lucy (1620–post 1675). Writer. Studious daughter of Sir Allen Apsley, lieutenant of the Tower, Lucy married John Hutchinson (the regicide) in 1638. Apart from translating Lucretius and writing two religious treatises, she is best known for her Memoirs of the Life of Colonel Hutchinson (penned for her own consolation and their children's information, unpublished until 1806), which depicted the life of a puritan family, vividly narrated the progress of the Civil War in Nottinghamshire, and recorded her husband's career with a partisan attempt to justify his political activities. Probably the stronger in character but believing utterly in women's subservience, her devotion led to energetic campaigning to save his life in 1660—Lucy wrote a letter to the Speaker pleading for pardon (later claiming that this was the only occasion she disobeyed her husband)—and tending him during his final months in the Tower and Sandown castle, Kent (1663–4).

A. S. Hargreaves

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