FitzNigel, Richard
FitzNigel, Richard (d. 1198). Bishop of London (1189–98) and treasurer of England (c.1158–98). A member of the outstanding family who developed the sophisticated 12th-cent. English administrative system, he was son of Nigel, bishop of Ely, treasurer, and nephew of Henry II's justiciar, Roger of Salisbury. He was also successively archdeacon of Ely and dean of Lincoln (c.1184), mediated in the furious struggle between Longchamp and John, and was custodian for Richard's ransom. He is chiefly remembered for writing the Dialogus de Scaccario (Dialogue of the Exchequer), ‘a unique and precious document’ on the English governmental system. Written especially for administrative apprentices, it was the first manual anywhere in Europe to explain the mysteries of bureaucratic practice and auditing.
Revd Dr William M. Marshall