Alnwick, battle of

views updated May 21 2018

Alnwick, battle of, 1174. In pursuit of his claims to the northern shires, William I ‘the Lion’, king of Scotland, invaded England in 1173 and 1174. In 1174, having failed to take Carlisle, Wark, and Prudhoe castles, William in frustration decided to ravage the coastal plain of Northumberland. On the morning of 13 July, while most of his men were scattered across the countryside, William and the few knights he had with him were caught completely by surprise just outside Alnwick castle by a force loyal to Henry II led by Ranulf Glanvill. A sharp fight followed before William was led away in captivity to Henry II who imposed severe terms. The battle effectively ended the Great Rebellion (1173–4) in England.

S. D. Lloyd

Alnwick, battle of

views updated Jun 27 2018

Alnwick, battle of, 1093. During the reign of Malcolm III of Scotland there were repeated clashes over the border with England. After William Rufus had taken possession of Cumberland and Westmorland, negotiations broke down. Malcolm invaded Northumberland and besieged Alnwick castle. A relief force on 13 November 1093 killed both Malcolm and his eldest son Edward.

J. A. Cannon

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