Harrisburg Convention

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HARRISBURG CONVENTION. After the Tariff of 1824 proved unsatisfactory to the woolen interests and following the defeat of the Woolens Bill of 1827, the friends of protection called a convention at Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, to agree on a new bill. Protectionist advocates held meetings throughout the northern states and sent 100 delegates from thirteen states to the convention at Harrisburg, from 30 July to 3 August 1827. The convention produced a memorandum to Congress that set forth the special needs of the woolens manufacturers and the general value of protection. Because the tariff bill of 1828 was drafted and passed for political ends, the demands of the memorandum were ignored.


Stanwood, Edward. American Tariff Controversies in the Nineteenth Century. New York: Russell and Russell, 1967.

RobertFortenbaugh/c. w.

See alsoTariff ; Textiles ; Wool Growing and Manufacture .

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Harrisburg Convention

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