views 3,318,693 updated May 29 2018pilchard Oily fish, Sardina (Clupea) pilchardus; young is the sardine. A 100‐g portion (canned in tomato sauce) is an exceptionally rich source of vitamins D and B12; a rich source of protein, niacin, calcium, selenium, and iodine; a good source of copper; a source of iron and vitamins B2 and B6; contains 5 g of fat, of which 20% is saturated and 30% is mono‐unsaturated; supplies 125 kcal (500 kJ).
A Dictionary of Food and Nutrition DAVID A. BENDER
views 1,281,050 updated May 29 2018pilchard Marine food fish resembling a herring, found in shoals along most coasts except those of Asia. They are caught by the millions and support a huge canning industry. The young are sometimes called sardines. Length: less than 45.7cm (18in). Family Clupeidae; species Sardina pilchardus.
World Encyclopedia
views 2,136,660 updated May 29 2018pil·chard / ˈpilchərd/ •
n. a small, edible, commercially valuable marine fish (Sardinops and other genera) of the herring family.
The Oxford Pocket Dictionary of Current English
views 1,615,024 updated Jun 27 2018pilchard (Sardina pilchardus) See Clupeidae.
A Dictionary of Zoology MICHAEL ALLABY
views 3,928,373 updated May 11 2018pilchard XVI. of unkn. orig.
The Concise Oxford Dictionary of English Etymology T. F. HOAD