
views 2,447,782 updated Jun 27 2018

ma·hat·ma / məˈhätmə; -ˈhatmə/ • n. (in the Indian subcontinent) a person regarded with reverence or loving respect; a holy person or sage. ∎  (the Mahatma) Mahatma Gandhi. ∎  (in some forms of theosophy) a person in India or Tibet said to have supernatural powers.ORIGIN: from Sanskrit mahātman, from mahā ‘great’ + ātman ‘soul.’


views 1,301,269 updated May 29 2018

Mahatma (Sanskrit, ‘Great Soul’) Person of special holiness. The term is used by Hindus, but has no specific place in organized Hindu religion. The most famous ‘Mahatma’ of modern times was Mohandas K. Gandhi.


views 3,792,957 updated Jun 08 2018

mahatma in Buddhism, one possessing preternatural powers. XIX. — Skr. mahātman-, f. mahā- great + ātmán- soul.

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