Green Seal

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Green Seal

An independent, non-profit group that encourages the production and sale of consumer products that are environmentally responsible, Green Seal allows the use of its certification mark on products that meet its strict environmental standards. The mark has a green check over a blue globe.

A growing number of people are becoming aware that consumer demand for certain products causes great harm to the environment and provides an economic incentive for activities that damage the planet. Some examples are products that contain chemicals such as chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs), which deplete the earth's protective ozone layer; mahogany and other kinds of wood from rapidly-disappearing tropical rain forests; fur coats made from rare and endangered species ; tuna caught using techniques that kill dolphins ; and products that waste energy or water, are over-packaged, cannot be recycled, or are harmful when disposed of.

By avoiding these products and buying those that do not cause harm to wildlife or degrade the environment, consumers can encourage corporations to make and sell goods that are environmentally responsible. With the public's growing commitment to protecting the environment, store shelves are now full of products that claim to be earth friendly, environmentally friendly, recycled, biodegradable , natural, organic, or are labeled in such a way as to take advantage of green advertising and marketing .

The Green Seal certification mark helps consumers choose those products that actually are less harmful to the planet and are not simply marketed in a clever way. Green Seal uses the highly respected Underwriters Laboratory (UL) for most of its product testing and certification. Through its certification process and its educational activities, Green Seal encourages people to think about how they can help protect the environment in their everyday activities and their daily lives.

Green Seal points out that its research shows that four out of five consumers are more likely to buy a product with its certification mark when choosing between similar products. A Gallup survey found that the Green Seal certification would have more impact on consumers than would government guidelines. Thus, consumers, guided by Green Seal, have the opportunity to influence the actions of major corporations and their impact on the environment through their purchasing decisions.

Green Seal is headed by Arthur B. Weissman, who serves as its President and Chief Executive Officer. Its Chairman of the Board is Denis Hayes, the well-known environmentalist and solar energy advocate who organized the 1970 and 1990 Earth Day celebrations.

[Lewis G. Regenstein ]



Green Seal, 1001 Connecticut Avenue, NW, Suite 827, Washington, D.C. USA 20036-5525 (202) 872-6400, Fax: (202) 872-4324, Email:, <>

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