
views 3,865,264 updated May 18 2018

con·dens·er / kənˈdensər/ • n. a person or thing that condenses something, in particular: ∎  an apparatus or container for condensing vapor. ∎  a lens or system of lenses for collecting and directing light. ∎ another term for capacitor.


views 1,348,123 updated May 08 2018

condenser In microscopy, a hemispherical lens or series of lenses which helps to direct the optimum amount of light through varying sizes of aperture in objectives of various magnifications. Condensers are usually placed on the microscope below the stage, between the polarizer and the mineral specimen. In the control of illumination, the area of light from the illuminator is normally cut by the condenser to equal the field of view, thus minimizing glare due to interference from marginal light.


views 1,334,528 updated May 29 2018

condenser (kŏn-den-ser) n. (in microscopy) an arrangement of lenses beneath the stage of a microscope. It can be adjusted to provide correct focusing of light on the microscope slide.


views 3,444,783 updated May 18 2018

condenser See capacitor

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