Young Menswear Association

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Young Menswear Association

36 W 20th St., 3rd Fl.
New York, NY 10011
Ph: (212)594-6422

YMA Fashion Scholarships (Undergraduate/Scholarship)

Purpose: To promote education in the fashion industry. Focus: Fashion design; Business. Qualif.: Applicant must be a full-time junior or senior student with a GPA of 3.0 or above in a 4.0 GPA system. Criteria: Applicants will be reviewed by the YMA Scholarship Committee.

Funds Avail.: No specific amount. To Apply: Educators can nominate up to eight applicants per school. Nominated applicants must submit all the student records and transcript; and an essay. For Design students, submit a portfolio (at least 2 designs/projects) not to exceed 8 1/2”x 11” folder size. For Business students, submit a project about merchandising, marketing or finance not to exceed 8 1/2”x 11” folder size. Application form is to be sent electronically to; a box per school containing all other materials of the applicants must be sent to: The YMA Fashion Scholarship Fund, 36 West 20th St., 3rd Fl., New York, NY 10011. Deadline: January 15.

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