World Council of Credit Unions

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World Council of Credit Unions

601 Pennyslvania Ave. NW
South Bldg., Ste. 600
Washington, DC 20004-2601
Ph: (202)638-0205
Fax: (202)638-3410

WYCUP Scholarships (Professional Development/Scholarship)

Purpose: To engage and promote the next generation of credit union professionals and volunteers in the international credit union movement. Focus: General studies. Qualif.: Applicant must be 35 years of age or younger; must be actively involved either as an employee or volunteer with a credit union or credit organization affiliated with the international credit union movement; must demonstrate personal commitment and the ability to significantly influence credit unions in his/her country; must exhibit the potential to advance the international credit union system; must not have been a previous WYCUP Scholarship recipient. Criteria: Individual selected for the scholarship are those the committee believes have the greatest potential to contribute to the international credit union system.

Funds Avail.: Scholarship covers all costs associated with the event, including conference registration fee, travel costs, hotel accommodation and metals. To Apply: Applicant must have a two Nomination Form (attached) completed by the nominee and the sponsor; must provide the proof of age (photocopy of passport, driver's license, birth certificate or other official document); must prepare a brief 500-words essay describing contribution made to the development of the candidate's credit union or credit union organization. Deadline: June 2.

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