Women's National Book Association
Women's National Book Association
PO Box 237, FDR Sta.
New York, NY 10150-0231
Ph: (212)208-4629
Fax: (212)208-4629
E-mail: publicity@bookbuzz.com
WNBA Eastman Grants (Professional Development/Grant)
Purpose: To provide funds for librarians who are interested in learning about the publishing process. Focus: Publishing. Qualif.: Applicants must be an MLS or its equivalent, and have at least two years of post-master's work experience in a library. Criteria: Recipients are selected based on the likelihood of career benefit to the person taking the course.
Funds Avail.: $750. Number Awarded: 1. To Apply: Applicants must provide a current resume; a personal statement of not more than 300 words concerning an ongoing interest in the publishing process and how a better understanding of this process would enhance the applicant's library career; a list of publishing courses to which the applicant would apply; and a signed acknowledgement of intent to submit to ALA and WNBA a simple report and verification of attendance at the chosen publishing course. Deadline: November 1.
Remarks: Established in 1997 and honors Ann Heidbreder Eastman, a prominent member of both the publishing and library communities and a member of both WNBA and ALA until her death in 1993. Contact: Mary Jo Bolduc at the above address (see entry 7503).
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Women's National Book Association
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