Women In Defense

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Women In Defense

2111 Wilson Blvd., Ste. 400
Arlington, VA 22201-3061
Ph: (703)247-2552
Fax: (703)522-1885
E-mail: wid@ndia.org

Women In Defense HORIZONS Scholarships (Graduate, Undergraduate/Scholarship)

Purpose: To provide financial assistance to further educational objectives of women either employed or planning careers in defense or national security areas. Focus: National security; Military history; Government; Engineering; Computer and information sciences; Physics; Mathematics and mathematical sciences; Business; Law; International affairs and relations; Political science; Economics. Qualif.: Applicant must be currently enrolled at an accredited university/college, either full-time or part-time; must have junior, senior or graduate status; demonstrate interest in pursuing a career related to national security or defense; demonstrate financial need; have a minimum GPA of 3.25. Applicant must be a female citizen of the United States. Criteria: Awards are given based on academic achievement, participation in defense and national security activities, field of study, work experience, statements of objectives, recommendations, and financial need.

Funds Avail.: No specific amount. To Apply: Applicants must submit a completed scholarship application form with the essays, recommendations, and transcripts. Deadline: July 1.

Remarks: Established in 1988.

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Women In Defense

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Women In Defense