Water and Sewer Distributors of America

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Water and Sewer Distributors of America

100 North 20th St., 4th floor Philadelphia, PA 19103-1443
Ph: (215)564-3484
Fax: (215)963-9785
E-mail: wasda@fernley.com

Matt Stager Memorial Scholarship Fund (Undergraduate/Scholarship)

Purpose: To promote the waterworks/wastewater products distribution industry; to improve the image of WASDA and the industry. Focus: General studies. Qualif.: Applicant must have been employed by a company which was or is a regular Member of WASDA; must have an office in Canada, United States, or Puerto Rico; must have knowledge in distribution selling in waterworks, and sewer or storm drainage pipes. Criteria: Recipients will be selected based on the review of all application materials submitted.

Funds Avail.: No specific amount. To Apply: Applicants must prepare a one-page detailed narrative description of the academic plans for the future and the career goals; must attach two letters of recommendation from teachers who are not related or members of the Matt Stager Scholarship Section Committee who have knowledge in academic achievements and who are able to comment on the academic motivation and character; must have a WASDA member contact verify parent's employment; have the Counselor fill out the counselor's report; submit the required scores and forward all requirements to the WASDA Headquarters. Deadline: April 1.

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