Urban Financial Services Coalition

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Urban Financial Services Coalition

1200 G St., Ste. 800 Washington, DC 20005
Ph: (202)289-8335
Fax: (202)682-3058 Free: 800-996-8335
E-mail: ufsc@ufscnet.org

Herbert W. Whiteman, Jr. Scholarships (Graduate, Undergraduate/Scholarship)

Purpose: To provide assistance to minority students in their education. Focus: Banking; Finance. Qualif.: Applicants must have a 3.0 GPA on a 4.0 scale; pursuing an undergraduate or advanced degree in finance or business at an accredited college/university. Criteria: Applicants will be selected based on leadership, career goals and on the essay.

Funds Avail.: No specific amount. To Apply: Application form is available at the website. Applicants must submit a completed application form together with a reference letter; acceptance letter from the college/university; and a 400- to 500-word essay to: UFSC Foundation, Attn: Herbert W. Whiteman, Jr. Scholarship Fund, 2121 K. St. NW, Suite 800, Washington, DC 20037.

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