University of Tulsa: Distance Learning Programs In-Depth

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University of Tulsa

Internet-mediated MBA (iMBA) Internet-mediated Master of Taxation (MTAX)

Tulsa, Oklahoma


The iMBA and MTAX program make graduate business education accessible to the motivated professional who wishes to earn an M.B.A. or graduate tax degree but whose schedule does not permit regular classroom attendance. Students in classes of no more than 50 people enjoy more options for interaction with their professors and classmates than ever before.


The technology-based online programs require students to have a computer with Internet access; Win98 SE, Win2K, or WinXP; Office 2K or Office XP; Netscape or Internet Explorer; speakers; and a sound card. All courses have been developed utilizing WebCT. Students are able to access chat rooms, e-mail, online forums, and bulletin boards. To access a sample course, visitors may visit the iMBA Web site at or the MTAX Web site at


The University of Tulsa has designed a successful M.B.A. curriculum that can be delivered online. This program, known as the iMBA, encompasses a solid M.B.A. curriculum with an added emphasis on information technology. It consists of two courses per term, three terms per year, and requires two years for completion. This is a part-time, 48-hour program in which 12 hours may be waived, depending on the student's under-graduate degree and grades. Those applying for this program must have at least two years of working experience following completion of their baccalaureate degree. Students earn a high-quality M.B.A. from the University of Tulsa, which is internationally recognized and accredited by AACSB International.

Interactivity is a key component of the iMBA. Chat rooms, e-mail, electronic bulletin boards, and online forums provide a powerful arena for discussion, analysis, and collaboration. Students also have access to an online library. Students come to the campus for two 2-day sessions during the course of the program to meet with their professors and classmates, receive orientation materials, and participate in various workshops and seminars.

Building on the successes of the iMBA, the University of Tulsa now offers a two-year Internet-based Master of Taxation program. This 30-hour specialized program consists of two courses per term, three terms per year, with no on-campus requirement. The program offers high-potential professional employees currently holding a bachelor's degree the opportunity to earn a Master of Taxation in as little as two years from an institution that is accredited by AACSB International while continuing to meet the demands of the workplace. Because the specifics of tax code vary from year to year, the curriculum focus is on big-picture issues with enduring applicability.

Interactivity is also a key component of the MTAX program. The virtual classroom includes application-sharing software, CD-ROM multimedia courseware, audio/video, electronic bulletin boards, e-mail, an online library, and lecture resources with direct links to other course materials. The entire program is taught online; no campus time is required.

The University of Tulsa is a private institution that was founded in 1894 in Indian Territory. The College of Business Administration was established in 1935 and is fully accredited by AACSB International–The Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business at both the graduate and undergraduate levels. As faculty members in the College of Business have sought to provide programs that are on the leading edge of technology, they have acted on the need to address new ways of delivering advanced education. The Internet-mediated MBA (iMBA) and an online Master of Taxation (MTAX) are their response to professionals whose schedules do not permit regular classroom attendance. Interaction between student and professor is emphasized and encouraged in the iMBA and MTAX. Graduates of the iMBA program receive the fully accredited University of Tulsa M.B.A. degree. Graduates of the MTAX program receive the fully accredited Master of Taxation degree. The MTAX program prepares students to become successful, integral members of the business team, and the iMBA program prepares graduates to be the effective leaders businesses have come to expect from the University of Tulsa.

Students are able to complete a high-quality degree in an extremely flexible format without the need to miss work in order to attend regular classes. Course materials are available anytime and anywhere. Course work can be completed at home, at work, or while away on business or personal travel.


All students in the online programs receive training in the use of WebCT, the software in which all of the distance education courses reside. Students have an e-mail address within WebCT for communicating directly with classmates and faculty members. In addition, all students enrolled at the University of Tulsa are assigned a universal e-mail account. With the establishment of a University e-mail account, students may access McFarlin Library electronically. Both part-time and full-time students and alumni of the University of Tulsa may utilize Career Services.


University policy allows for transfer of up to 6 credit hours at the master's level. Any such graduate credit must have been earned at an accredited graduate school and have been completed within the last six years. The graduate program director is responsible for determining the applicability of transfer work to the student's program, subject to final approval by the Dean of Research and Graduate Studies.


All faculty members who teach in the iMBA program have obtained a Ph.D. and/or a J.D. All faculty members who teach in the M. Tax. have advanced degrees and extensive professional experience.


Enrollment in the iMBA is limited to the fall term. However, iMBA foundation courses are offered year-round. Students must have a baccalaureate degree, two years of work experience, preferably a 3.0 or better GPA, an acceptable GMAT score, and three letters of reference.

Enrollment in the MTAX program is offered for the fall, spring, and summer terms. Students must have a baccalaureate degree (from any field—a business degree is not required), preferably a 3.0 or better GPA, an acceptable GMAT or LSAT score, and three letters of reference.


The iMBA costs $22,680 for the entire six terms of advanced curriculum courses, billed on a per-semester basis. Foundation work for the iMBA and all M. Tax. program courses cost $630 per credit hour. There is a onetime fee of $100 for international students.


Students are eligible to apply for Federal Stafford Student Loans (subsidized and unsubsidized) as well as other funded loans. Graduate students can normally apply year-round for these loans. Students who are residents of the state of Oklahoma may apply for an Oklahoma Tuition Aid Grant. The annual deadline for these grants is March 1. Students receiving reimbursement from their employers may arrange to defer tuition to match their employer's reimbursement policy. For more information on available financial aid, students should visit


Graduate Business Programs, BAH 217
University of Tulsa
600 South College Avenue
Tulsa, Oklahoma 74104-3189
Telephone: 918-631-2242
Fax: 918-631-2142
Web site:


For more detailed information on the iMBA or to apply online, students should visit For more detailed information on the MTAX program or to apply online, students should visit

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University of Tulsa: Distance Learning Programs In-Depth

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University of Tulsa: Distance Learning Programs In-Depth