The University of Oklahoma: Distance Learning Programs In-Depth

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University Outreach
College of Continuing Education
College of Liberal Studies

Norman, Oklahoma

Distance Learning Program

In carrying out its mission to help nontraditional learners transform themselves through knowledge, CCE offers a variety of credit and noncredit distance learning courses and programs within the state of Oklahoma and beyond. Each year, CCE extends the educational resources of the University of Oklahoma through more than thirty different program formats. Annually, CCE offers some 2,000 courses and activities to more than 250,000 nontraditional learners in Oklahoma and worldwide.

Delivery Media

Courses are delivered via television, videotapes, videoconferencing, interactive television, audiotapes, audioconferencing, computer software, CD-ROM, computer conferencing, World Wide Web, e-mail, and print. Students and faculty members may meet in person or interact via videoconferencing, audio-conferencing, mail, telephone, fax, e-mail, interactive television, or World Wide Web. The following equipment may be required: audiocassette player, fax machine, television, cable television, videocassette player, computer, modem, Internet access, e-mail, and CD-ROM.

Programs of Study

A variety of programs are available in various distance formats. Independent study courses (credit and noncredit)—some of which are offered online—are available in the following subjects: anthropology, astronomy, business administration, business communication, chemistry, Chinese, classical culture, communication, drama, economics, education, engineering, English, finance, French, geography, geology, German, Greek, health and sport sciences, history, human relations, journalism and mass communication, Latin, library and information studies, management, marketing, mathematics, modern languages, music, philosophy, political science, psychology, Russian, sociology, and Spanish. Master's degree programs in the following areas are presented on-site at military and civilian locations around the world: communication, economics, human relations (including a human resource development emphasis and a community services emphasis), public administration, and social work. In addition, a Ph.D. in organizational leadership is available at some overseas sites. (These programs combine on-site course delivery with online and correspondence study.) In addition, students in Oklahoma have access to telecourses and OneNet courses.

Special Programs

CCE offers a number of distance learning special programs. Among these are the DHS/SATTRN (Satellite Training Network) programs held for Oklahoma Department of Human Services and other state employees. CCE's Independent Study Department works closely with the DANTES program and the Navy College PACE program. In addition, this department offers a number of noncredit writing courses and more than seventy-five high school courses, many of them available online.

Student Services

Students enrolled in CCE's Advanced Programs have access to the facilities and resources of OU's Norman-based library. Advanced Programs students order all their textbooks online through Follett, and Independent Study offers students a complete array of bookstore services.

The University of Oklahoma's (OU) College of Continuing Education (CCE) is a lifelong learning organization dedicated to helping individuals, businesses, groups, and communities transform themselves through knowledge. Formally organized in 1913, CCE is the outreach arm of the University of Oklahoma. Nationally recognized for its pioneering efforts in continuing education, CCE extends the educational resources of the University through more than thirty different program formats, including graduate and undergraduate degree programs, correspondence and other distance programs, on- and off-campus courses, and a wide variety of programs conducted under the auspices of federal and state grants and contracts. On the Norman campus, adult and other learners attend programs at the Oklahoma Center for Continuing Education, one of eleven W. K. Kellogg Foundation–funded, University-based residential conference centers in the world. Annually, CCE offers some 2,000 courses and activities to more than 250,000 nontraditional learners in Oklahoma and in locations all over the world.

The mission of the College of Liberal Studies is to provide nontraditional students with high-quality coherent, interdisciplinary graduate and undergraduate liberal arts programs through innovative formats. By combining independent study with weekend classes or brief seminars on campus or Internet-guided study, adult students can earn a Bachelor of Liberal Studies or Master of Liberal Studies degree. The College of Liberal Studies is a fully accredited, academic division of the University of Oklahoma.

Credit Options

CCE's Independent Study Department provides students various options to earn credit through testing. Among these are the College-Level Examination Program (CLEP), DANTES, and institutionally developed advanced-standing examinations.


The faculty for OU distance programs includes regular University of Oklahoma faculty members, adjunct faculty members, and instructors with special appointments. All are experienced and highly qualified instructional professionals who are knowledgeable about the needs, concerns, and capabilities of distance education students.


Admission to the University of Oklahoma is necessary for credit courses other than those offered through Independent Study. Independent Study students need not be first admitted to OU. To participate in graduate programs, admission to OU's Graduate College is required. For more information, prospective students should use the information listed in the Contact section.

Tuition and Fees

Tuition and fees vary based on the chosen program. Prospective students are encouraged to inquire about the costs associated with the program in which they are interested. Expenses relating to continuing education courses taken to maintain and improve professional skills may be tax deductible (Treas. Reg. 1.162-5, Coughlin v. Commissioner, 203f.2d 307). A tax adviser can make this determination based on the particular facts relating to one's professional situation. All tuition and fees at the University of Oklahoma are subject to changes made by the State Regents for Higher Education.

Financial Aid

Financial aid is available for many of the semester-based programs offered through CCE. Financial aid is not available to Independent Study students. Each program has different eligibility requirements. Interested students are encouraged to use the contact information below. They will then be put in touch with the appropriate CCE department that can fully answer their financial aid questions.


Larry Hayes
College of Continuing Education
The University of Oklahoma
1700 Asp Avenue
Norman, Oklahoma 73072-6400
Phone: 405-325-4414
Fax: 405-325-7196
Web site:


Distance learners interested in credit and noncredit programs may enroll by telephone (800-522-0772 Ext. 2248) or by fax (405-325-7164). Prospective students should use the contact information below to determine the appropriate telephone number.

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