University of Connecticut
Center for Continuing Studies
Storrs, Connecticut
Founded in 1881, the University of Connecticut (UConn) is categorized by the Carnegie Foundation among the Doctoral/Research Universities–Extensive, a distinction shared by fewer than 4 percent of America's higher education institutions that confer the widest number and range of degrees. UConn is the only public institution in New England with its own Schools of Law, Social Work, Medicine, and Dental Medicine. The University is accredited by the New England Association of Schools and Colleges.
The Center for Continuing Studies (CCS) offers a bachelor's degree program and two master's degree programs that are available online. The Center identifies, develops, and provides high-quality, research-based interdisciplinary, academic, professional, and enrichment programs as well as appropriate support services to diverse communities of learners in a fiscally responsible manner. Working with academic and student support units across the University, the Center for Continuing Studies provides a gateway linking the University with individuals as well as with corporate and public service sectors statewide, nationally, and internationally. CCS is dedicated to engaging learners in a lifelong academic partnership with the University of Connecticut.
Distance Learning Program
Based on educational demand and market research, the Center for Continuing Studies provides a variety of learning opportunities that utilize the most effective and efficient mode of delivery, given the course/program content and the intended learners. Individuals in CCS programs achieve relevant academic, professional, and technical competence and/or the personal enrichment they seek through a student-centered approach that reflects a high-quality education. Students may take individual courses or enroll in one of the online graduate or undergraduate degree or certificate programs. The asynchronous course format allows students to take courses from anywhere in the world. Faculty members are a key component of the online courses and programs and ensure that online students receive a high-quality education and personalized attention.
Delivery Media
All online courses are offered completely through the Internet using WebCT in a paced, asynchronous environment. The asynchronous format allows access to courses seven days a week, 24 hours a day, including holidays. Discussion and interactivity among the students and the instructor are a key component of all of the online courses. Much of this interactivity is accomplished using an asynchronous threaded discussion tool within the course. An e-mail system that is internal to the course is used for private communication. Some assignments have been designed for students working in groups. Online programs offered through the Center for Continuing Studies are geared toward working adults who need the flexibility to juggle work, family, and academic responsibilities. Courses are accessible using either a PC or a Macintosh. Prospective students are encouraged to review the list of frequently asked questions located at
Programs of Study
The Center for Continuing Studies offers a Master of Professional Studies (M.P.S.) and a Bachelor of General Studies (B.G.S.). The online M.P.S. degree offers two fields of study: human resource management and humanitarian services administration. The M.P.S. degree is specifically designed for individuals and practitioners who are developing marketable skills to meet evolving workforce demands, seeking professional development or expanded promotional opportunities, or interested in changing careers. The M.P.S. requires 36 graduate-level credits, including 30 credits of course work and 6 credits of a capstone project toward the end of the program. The M.P.S. also includes an issues-based two-week on-site residency requirement.
The M.P.S. in human resource management is designed to meet the professional development needs of individuals who are currently working in the field of human resource management or who are interested in pursuing a career in human resource management. Interested individuals who do not have human resource management or supervisory experience are strongly encouraged to participate in an internship, which may be taken for course credit. Students may select a career track in either labor relations or personnel or may select a program combining electives from both tracks, depending upon their career interests.
The M.P.S. in humanitarian services administration is designed to meet the educational needs of individuals involved or interested in humanitarian assistance programs, whether in disaster relief or sustainability programs. Students develop theoretical and professional knowledge to operate and conduct humanitarian response missions with nongovernmental, governmental, and international organizations. Students can choose courses related to disaster relief or sustainability, or they may select courses from both areas, depending on their interests. A graduate certificate program (12 credits) is also available in humanitarian services administration.
The B.G.S. degree can be completed online. Two foci are offered: occupational and environmental safety and health and information technology. The B.G.S. program, established in 1977, is an interdisciplinary major designed for returning adults. A student needs at least 60 college credits or an associate degree from a regionally accredited college to be admitted to the program. B.G.S. students work one on one with the same academic adviser through graduation. The adviser and student work together to develop an academic program that suits the student's educational and career goals through an individualized major or by following a B.G.S. focus. B.G.S. alumnae have been accepted into graduate programs at Yale, Princeton, Columbia, MIT, Berkeley, and William and Mary in such fields as medicine, dentistry, law, ministry, and business.
The B.G.S. degree with a focus in occupational and environmental safety and health has served more than 450 students since its inception in 1995. The courses are designed for practitioners and non-practitioners and provide students with marketable skills and knowledge that are relevant to a broad spectrum of industries and work environments. Students can also use the courses to prepare for the national Certified Safety Professional (CSP) examination, a prestigious designation in the occupational safety and health field.
The B.G.S. degree with a focus in information technology is geared toward preparing students for the variety of information technologies they will encounter in their career paths. This program provides immediate practical benefits and a solid foundation for corporate IT training programs and advanced study by taking a hands-on approach toward the understanding of IT. Courses generally fall under the areas of Web content development and Web system administration.
Undergraduate certificate programs are available in environmental health and safety, Himalayan studies, occupational safety and health, Web content development, and Web system administration. General education courses are also available online and may be taken individually or as part of an undergraduate degree program.
Students may enroll in a degree or certificate program, or they may take individual courses. Online noncredit programs are offered in health-care information technology and project management.
Special Programs
Students can take individual courses as nondegree students, allowing working adults to enroll in University of Connecticut undergraduate and graduate courses and earn academic credit without being formally admitted to a degree program. Nondegree study allows high school graduates of all ages to return to college at their own pace and gain the confidence they need to complete their education. If students later choose to apply for a degree program, it is likely that these credits can be applied toward their degree. Taking a course as a nondegree student at UConn is also a convenient way for students from other colleges and universities to take credit courses at UConn and then transfer the credits to their own university. Students in the online programs can take on-campus courses. If students are degree students, they need permission from their advisers. Nondegree students do not need to see an adviser before registering.
Student Services
All major student services are available to online students, including registration services, advising, bookstore ordering, library, e-mail, and tutoring. Technical support is available to all students in online courses.
Credit Options
Students in the B.G.S. program may transfer up to 90 credits that they have earned through other regionally accredited institutions.
The Center for Continuing Studies employs full-time and adjunct faculty members. Faculty members who teach online are approved by the department and also teach on-campus courses. All full-time faculty members and all faculty members teaching in the graduate program have earned doctorates. Adjunct faculty members are accomplished practitioners and have the requisite educational experience to make them effective online instructors.
Applicants to the M.P.S. program must have completed a baccalaureate degree from a regionally accredited college or university. For further admission information for the M.P.S. program, students should visit Applicants to the B.G.S. degree must have an associate degree from a regionally accredited college or university or must have completed at least 60 college credits from a regionally accredited college or university. For further admission information for the B.G.S. program, students should visit Students may register for individual courses without matriculating into a program, provided they meet specific course requirements. For course registration information, students should visit
Tuition and Fees
Undergraduate course fees are $975 per 3-credit course. Graduate course fees are $1539 per 3-credit course. There is a $43 infrastructure maintenance fee for undergraduate and graduate courses. Course fees are calculated on a per-credit basis; current fees are subject to change. Students who enroll in the Center's online courses pay the same fees as in-state students. Students should visit the Web site listed below for current fees.
Financial Aid
Financial aid is available to online students who have matriculated into a degree program. For further information, students should contact the Office of Student Financial Aid Services at 860-486-2819 or visit the Web site at
Application to the M.P.S. degree program is available online at Application to the B.G.S. degree program is available online at
Dr. Judy Buffolino, Director
Distance Education Office
Center for Continuing Studies
University of Connecticut
One Bishop Circle, Unit 4056
Storrs, Connecticut 06269-4056
Phone: 860-486-1080
Fax: 860-486-0756
Web site:
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