Universite Sainte-Anne: Tabular Data
Church Point, NS, Canada B0W 1M0
Tel: (902)769-2114; Admissions: (902)769-2114; Fax: (902)769-2930; E-mail: admission@ustanne.ednet.ns.ca; Web Site: http://www.usainteanne.ca/
President/CEO: Dr. Andre Roberge
Registrar: Dr. Gerald C. Boudreau
Admissions: Murielle Comeau
Financial Aid: Dr. Sylvestre Muise
Type: Four-Year College
Sex: Coed
Application Fee: $30.00
H.S. Requirements: High school diploma required; GED not accepted. For applicants 22 or over: High school diploma or equivalent not required
Costs Per Year: Application fee: $30 Canadian dollars. Tuition, fee, and room and board charges are reported in Canadian dollars. Canadian resident tuition: $4975 full-time. Mandatory fees: $210 full-time. College room and board: $5725. College room only: $2810. International student tuition: $7226 full-time.
Calendar System: Semester, Summer Session Available
Faculty: FT 33, PT 8
% Residing in College-Owned, -Operated, or -Affiliated Housing: 60
Library Holdings: 84,000
Credit Hours For Degree: 90 credits, Bachelors
Intercollegiate Athletics: Badminton M & W; Volleyball M & W
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Universite Sainte-Anne: Tabular Data
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Universite Sainte-Anne: Tabular Data