Universite du Quebec en Outaouais: Narrative Description

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Case Postale 1250, Succursale Hull
Gatineau, QC, Canada J8X 3X7
Tel: (819)595-3900
Free: 800-567-1283
Web Site: http://www.uqo.ca/


Province-supported, university, coed. Part of Universite du Quebec. Awards bachelor's, master's, and doctoral degrees. Founded 1981. Setting: small town campus with easy access to Ottawa. Total enrollment: 5,519. Students come from 25 other countries. Retention: 90% of full-time freshmen returned the following year. Core. Calendar: trimesters. Services for LD students, accelerated degree program, summer session for credit, part-time degree program, adult/continuing education programs, internships. Off campus study at other units of the Universite du Quebec, other universities in the province of Quebec. Study abroad program.

Entrance Requirements:

Open admission except for some quota programs. Option: international baccalaureate accepted. Required: high school transcript, Diploma of Collegiate Studies (and transcript) or equivalent. Required for some: interview. Entrance: noncompetitive. Application deadline: 3/1. Notification: 5/15.

Costs Per Year:

Area resident tuition: $2077 full-time. Mandatory fees: $2077 full-time. College room only: $405. International student tuition: $10,911 full-time.

Collegiate Environment:

Student-run newspaper. Most popular organizations: AGE, AIESEC, AEME, REMAA. Major annual events: Salon de l'Etudiant, Carnaval Etudiant, Jeux du Commerce. Student services: health clinic. Campus security: 24-hour emergency response devices and patrols, late night transport-escort service. 200 college housing spaces available; all were occupied in 2003-04. No special consideration for freshman housing applicants. On-campus residence required through senior year. Option: coed housing available. Brault Library plus 1 other with 230,910 books, 25,908 microform titles, 12,351 serials, 11,972 audiovisual materials, an OPAC, and a Web page. 141 computers available on campus for general student use. Computer purchase/lease plans available. A campuswide network can be accessed from off-campus. Staffed computer lab on campus.

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Universite du Quebec en Outaouais: Narrative Description

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    Universite du Quebec en Outaouais: Narrative Description