Scottish Rite Foundation of Colorado

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Scottish Rite Foundation of Colorado

1370 Grant St.
Denver, CO 80203-2347
Ph: (303)861-2410
Fax: (303)861-2411
Free: (866)289-6797

Dwight A. Hamilton Scottish Rite Foundation of Colorado Graduate Scholarships (Graduate/Scholarship)

Purpose: To provide financial assistance to graduate students in speech-language pathology to further their studies in the field. Focus: Speech and language pathology/audiology. Qualif.: Applicants must have successfully completed the first year of graduate study in speech-language pathology with a grade point average of 3.5 (B+) or higher; must be enrolled as second-year graduate students in speech-language pathology at either the University of Colorado-Boulder or the University of Northern Colorado; must be recognized as Colorado residents by the university; must be committed to a career in treating children with childhood language disorders; must be planning to remain in Colorado after graduation to serve children in the state. Criteria: Applicants who are interested in serving children in rural or underserved areas of Colorado are given preference.

Funds Avail.: $5,000. Number Awarded: 2. To Apply: Applicants must submit official transcript or academic progress report (first year graduate study); proof of Colorado residency as defined by the university's criteria; one-page, double-spaced statement on career goals and aspirations including a description of students’ interest in serving children with language disorders and intention to remain in Colorado; one letter of recommendation from university faculty; one letter of recommendation from clinical supervisor; one-page professional resume; application checklist showing application completeness. Deadline: June 15.

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