Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy Syndrome Association of America

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Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy Syndrome Association of America

PO Box 502
Milford, CT 06460
Ph: (203)877-3790
Fax: (203)882-8362
Free: 877-662-7737

RSDSA Research Grants (Postdoctorate, Professional Development/Grant)

Purpose: To seek relevant research that will improve understanding and treatment of RSD/CRPS-1. Focus: Medicine. Qualif.: Applicants must be health science professionals with interest in study and treatment of painful conditions; must be residents, fellows and Ph.D. holders who are under the direct sponsorship and supervision of a senior scientist or faculty member. Criteria: Recipients are selected based on a committee's review of the proposal.

Funds Avail.: $50,000. To Apply: Applicants must send research grant application; letter of support from head of host institution; copies of approved documents from the host institution; copy of proposed informed consent form; letter from the department chair indicating the career development of the applicant; and RSDSA Research Grant Application Declaration signed by all investigators. Mail three copies or send electronically as MSWord document on a CD-ROM or as an attachment in MSWord to: info@, subject: Research Grant Application. Deadline: November 1.

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