Purdue University: Distance Learning Programs In-Depth

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Krannert Executive Education Programs
West Lafayette, Indiana

Distance Learning Program

The Krannert Executive Education Programs (KEEP) began its distance learning programs in 1983. The programs were developed specifically for mid-level managers or managers-to-be who are unable to attend classes on a full-time basis. The programs have unique scheduling that makes it possible for participants to be drawn from a wide geographical area. Six 2-week residencies spread across twenty-two months, from orientation to graduation, allow its participants to meet their educational goals while simultaneously fulfilling their job responsibilities. During the nineteen months the students are off campus, they utilize the Internet and World Wide Web, online discussion forums and chatrooms, and other electronic media to stay in touch with each other, the faculty, and Executive Education support staff. These internationally ranked programs are part of the Krannert Graduate School of Management and admit 55 students in each cohort.

Delivery Media

KEEP uses the World Wide Web and CDs to deliver its course materials to students. Current business cases provide a focal point for individual and group assignments in all courses, easily available for download from course Web sites and the provided CD.

Students are expected to provide a modern, Microsoft Windows–based laptop with the current version of Microsoft Office Professional installed, beginning with the Program Orientation. The program provides all required software, including Office.

Students are expected to have access to the Internet via an Internet service provider that allows for the free exchange of Web-based materials. While not required, a broadband connection to the Internet is recommended. Use of Internet-based e-mail, course Web sites and online discussion forums, chat rooms and other Internet-based communication technologies are regular components of the program. These collaboration tools enable students to maintain contact with faculty and staff members when at a distance from one another, and to prepare their individual and group assignments.

Programs of Study

A Master of Business Administration (M.B.A.) is offered through two unique programs: the Executive Master of Business Administration (EMB) Program and the International Master in Management (IMM) Program.

The EMB Program begins each July with an orientation session where the participants are introduced to the course work, the instructors, and the KEEP information technology system. The courses have an applied policymak ing orientation and make extensive use of case studies and other experiential material. The third module has an emphasis on international business, and the last residency in the third module is spent at an international location. Upon completion of the program, the M.B.A. degree is awarded by Purdue University.

The IMM Program is taught in conjunction with Tias Business School, Tilburg University, in the Netherlands; the CEU School of Business in Budapest, Hungary; and GISMA, the German International Graduate School of Management and Administration. It is structured like the EMB Program, but the residencies alternate among the campuses of the four collaborating institutions. Orientation initiates the program each February. Graduation yields two master's degrees: an M.B.A. degree from Purdue and an M.B.A. from Tias or CEU.

The EMB and IMM Programs are intensive and demanding, which is consistent with a graduate professional program in management. Serious preparation is expected, and academic standards are carefully maintained to ensure integrity of the earned degrees. As a result, however, the educational benefits are substantial, and the degrees earned are significant professional cre-dentials.

Purdue University, a state-supported land-grant university, was founded in 1869. It was named after its chief benefactor, John Purdue, and is known for its academic excellence and affordable education. The West Lafayette campus offers nearly 6,700 courses in the Schools of Agriculture, Management, Consumer and Family Sciences, Pharmacy, Nursing and Health Sciences, Education, Science, Engineering, Technology, Liberal Arts, and Veterinary Medicine. The goals of the University are symbolized in its emblem, the griffin, whose three-part shield represents education, research, and service. Purdue is accredited by the North Central Association of Colleges and Schools.

Special Programs

Both the EMB and IMM Programs are open to executive students worldwide and are accredited by AACSB International–The Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business. Both national and international students are attracted to the program.

Student Services

Students may maintain contact with faculty members, support staff, and KEEP administration on a daily basis, if necessary. Other resources include online library services, tutoring, campus computer networks, e-mail services, academic advising, and online discussion forums and chatrooms.

Credit Options

The programs are cohort in nature; that is, all students in each class enter together, take a common set of courses, and graduate together. There are 48 total credits, 16 per module, that participants must complete within two years.


Classes are taught by the senior faculty members of the Krannert School of Management at Purdue, the Tias Business School at Tilburg University, the CEU School of Business in Budapest, and by experienced teachers from other U.S. and international programs. All faculty members have taught extensively in executive programs containing distance learning aspects, have substantial research and publication records, and have experience as consultants to corporations and government agencies.


Successful applicants are expected to have a GMAT score of 520 or higher, a completed baccalaureate degree with a grade point average of B or better, a minimum of five years of work experience in positions of increasing professional responsibility, a current position of significant responsibility, and three supporting letters of recommendation. Any applicant whose first language is not English must have a minimum TOEFL score of 213 on the computer-based test or 550 on the paper-based test.

Tuition and Fees

The total cost for each program is $54,000 ($18,000 per each of the three modules). The tuition covers books and course material, instructional costs, lodging, and most meals during the residencies. Tuition is due before the first residency of each program module. The EMB Program features an international trip in its last module, for which there is an additional charge.

Financial Aid

EMBA loans offered through Purdue's financial aid office are available. Applications may be completed at a distance.


Erika C. Steuterman
Director, Executive M.B.A. Programs
Purdue University
425 West State Street
West Lafayette, Indiana 47907-2056
Phone: 765-494-7700
Fax: 765-494-0862
E-mail: keepinfo@krannert.purdue.edu
Web site: http://www2.mgmt.purdue.edu/info/degree


Candidates may apply online at any time. As admission to the program is on a rolling basis throughout the year until class capacity is reached, early application is recommended. Upon receipt of all necessary documents, the application will be reviewed by the Program Admissions Committee and, upon approval, submitted to Purdue's Graduate School for the final decision. Typically, a candidate can expect word of his or her application status within two weeks of receipt of all application documentation.

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