Public Library Association

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Public Library Association

DEMCO New Leaders Travel Grants (All/Grant)
Grow your Own @ Your Library Institutional Scholarships (Graduate, Professional Development/Scholarship)

American Library Association
50 E Huron St.
Chicago, IL 60611
Fax: (312)280-5029
Free: 800-545-2433

DEMCO New Leaders Travel Grants (All/Grant)

Purpose: To improve the expertise and professional development of public librarians. Focus: Library and archival sciences. Qualif.: Applicants must be members of the Public Library Association; must be practicing librarians for five years or less; must not be officers or members of the PLA Board of Directors; and must not be members or supervisors of the New Leaders Travel Grant Jury. Criteria: Selection is based on the quality of the submitted proposals.

Funds Avail.: $2,500. To Apply: Applicants are advised to visit the website for the PLA's awards online application. Deadline: December 3.

Grow your Own @ Your Library Institutional Scholarships (Graduate, Professional Development/Scholarship)

Purpose: To support the education needs of public library staff intending to obtain master's degree in library and information science. Focus: Library and archival sciences. Qualif.: Institutions which are applying must be public libraries in the U.S. and must be recognized under state law. Criteria: Applications will be reviewed by a committee appointed by the PLA president.

Funds Avail.: $8,000. To Apply: Application materials are available at the website and must be completed by a member of the institution staff, typically the library director or designated staff. Deadline: December 3.

Remarks: Institutions that receive funds under this program are responsible for administering the tuition reimbursement of employees.

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