Public Agency Risk Managers Association

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Public Agency Risk Managers Association

PO Box 6810
San Jose, CA 95150
Fax: 888-412-5913
Free: 888-90-PARMA

PARMA Scholarships (Undergraduate/Scholarship)

Purpose: To promote, develop, and facilitate education and leadership in public agency risk management. Focus: Management. Qualif.: Applicant should be an employee of a member public agency pursuing an associate in Risk Management, Risk Management for Public Entities, Associate in Risk Pool Management. Criteria: The member of the Committee appointed by the president of PARMA will select the candidates based on the statement of his or her ultimate life goals in risk management and other related information.

Funds Avail.: $500 Number Awarded: 4. To Apply: An applicant must fill out the application form; attach a written sponsorship statement by a PARMA member agency; must submit of his/her ultimate own goals in the field of risk management; a description of the participation in PARMA including the local Chapter level; and attach any other related experience or information you may wish to submit in support of your scholarship request. Contact: PARMA Secretary Treasurer PO Box 711894 Santee, CA 92072-1894.

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