Philanthropic Educational Organization

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Philanthropic Educational Organization

International Peace Scholarships (Undergraduate/Scholarship)
PEO Educational Loan Funds (Graduate, Undergraduate/Loan)

3700 Grand Ave.
Des Moines, IA 50312
Ph: (515)255-3153
Fax: (515)255-3820

International Peace Scholarships (Undergraduate/Scholarship)

Purpose: To provide scholarships for selected women from other countries for study in the United States and Canada. Focus: General studies. Qualif.: Applicants must be qualified for admission to full-time graduate study, working toward a graduate degree in the college or university. Criteria: Recipients are selected based on a non-discriminatory basis without consideration of race, national origin, religious affiliation, or disability.

Funds Avail.: $10,000 (total). To Apply: Applicants must submit completed application form; a copy of confirmation of admission; and a witnessed statement certifying that upon completion of their degree programs they will return to their own country within 60 days. Deadline: April 1.

PEO Educational Loan Funds (Graduate, Undergraduate/Loan)

Purpose: To promote educational opportunities for women who desire higher education and are in need of financial assistance. Focus: General studies. Qualif.: Applicants must be recommended by a local chapter of the P.E.O. sisterhood and must be within two years of completing their course of study. Program is also open for applicants who are graduate students in medical or law schools, seniors seeking a bachelor's degree or students enrolled in a hospital professional nurse training program, a non-collegiate, technical program, or vocational program in a college or university. Criteria: Recipients are selected based on financial need.

Funds Avail.: $9,000 (in total). To Apply: Applicants must submit a cover letter; application form with a packet checklist and instructions; school information form or proof of enrollment; transcript of records; request for permission to obtain credit report; acknowledgement of loan terms; and memo of indebtedness.

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