New Jersey Performing Arts Center
New Jersey Performing Arts Center
Jeffrey Carollo Music Scholarships (Undergraduate/Scholarship)
Star-Ledger Scholarships for the Performing Arts (Undergraduate/Scholarship)
36 Park Place
Newark, NJ 07102
Ph: (973)642-8989
Free: 888-466-5722
Jeffrey Carollo Music Scholarships (Undergraduate/Scholarship)
Purpose: To motivate talented young artists seeking an outlet for musical expression. Focus: Music. Qualif.: Applicants must be enrolled in the music program at the Newark Community School of the Arts. Criteria: Recipients are selected based on demonstrated interest in the field of music.
Funds Avail.: No specific amount. To Apply: Applicants must submit a completed application form. Contact: 973-353-8009.
Star-Ledger Scholarships for the Performing Arts (Undergraduate/Scholarship)
Purpose: To provide higher education opportunities for the young people of Newark; to provide an opportunity to gain practical experience at the New Jersey Performing Arts Center through internships. Focus: Performing Arts. Qua-lif.: Applicants must be high school seniors who wish to realize their potential by attending college but who may not be able to attend because of financial limitations. Criteria: Recipients are selected based on merit and demonstrated potential to become leading arts professionals.
Funds Avail.: No specific amount. To Apply: Applicants must submit a completed application form.
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New Jersey Performing Arts Center
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New Jersey Performing Arts Center