National University

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La Jolla, California
NU Online

National University was founded in 1971. It is accredited by Western Association of Schools and Colleges. It first offered distance learning courses in 1994. In fall 2005, there were 13,768 students enrolled in distance learning courses. Institutionally administered financial aid is available to distance learners.
Services Distance learners have accessibility to academic advising, bookstore, campus computer network, career placement assistance, e-mail services, library services, tutoring.
Contact Mr. James Wilson, Director of Student Services, National University, 4141 Camino del Rio South, San Diego, CA 92108. Telephone: 800-NAT-UNIV Ext. 7288. Fax: 858-563 7211. E-mail: jwilson


AA General Studies–Associate of Arts
BA Early Childhood Development; English–Single Subject Preparation in English; English; Global Studies; History; Psychology
BBA Business Administration
BS Accountancy; Allied Health; Construction Engineering; Criminal Justice Administration; Information Systems; Information Technology Management; Nursing; Organizational Behavior
Certificate Early Childhood Special Education
Certification Administrative Services Certificate; Education–Level I Education Specialist Credential: Mild/Mod; Education–TED Multiple or Single Subject Teaching Credential
EMBA Executive Master of Business Administration (Spanish Version)
MA English; Human Behavior; Human Resource Management and Organizational Development; Management
MAT Teaching
MBA Business Administration
MEd Cross Cultural Teaching
MFA Creative Writing; Digital Cinema
MPA Public Administration–Master of Public Administration
MS Computer Science; Educational Administration and Administrative Services; Educational Technology; Educational and Instructional Technology; Electronic Business; Engineering Management; Forensic Sciences–Master of Forensic Sciences; Homeland Security and Safety Engineering; Information Systems; Organizational Leadership; Special Education and Level I Specialist Credential Mild/Moderate; Technology Management


Undergraduate —accounting and related services; allied health and medical assisting services; biological and physical sciences; building/construction finishing, management, and inspection; business administration, management and operations; business/commerce; communications technology; computer software and media applications; construction engineering technology; counseling psychology; criminal justice and corrections; developmental and child psychology; education; English; history; information science/studies; international/global studies; management sciences and quantitative methods; nursing; psychology; public administration.
Graduate —accounting and related services; business administration, management and operations; business/commerce; computer and information sciences; creative writing; criminology; education; educational administration and supervision; educational/instructional media design; education (specific subject areas); human resources management; public administration; special education; technology education/industrial arts.

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