National Private Truck Council

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National Private Truck Council

950 N Glebe Road, Ste. 530
Arlington, VA 22203-4183
Ph: (703)683-1300
Fax: (703)683-1217

CTP Scholarship Program (Professional Development/Scholarship)

Purpose: To promote continuous learning and professional development by providing financial aid for individuals lacking the necessary corporate funding to pursue the CTP designation. Focus: Transportation; Management. Qualif.: Applicants must be members in good standing of the National Private Truck Council; must be currently employed in a fleet management position; must have at least five years of fleet management experience; must be able to fully participate in all offerings included in the CTP Scholarship. Criteria: Award is given based on merit.

Funds Avail.: $195 (waiver of the CTP Examination fee); $2,050 (complimentary registration for the five-day Fleet Management Institute); $330 (complimentary registration for the one-day CTP examination workshop in January). To Apply: Applicants must submit a resume which indicates the candidate’s history of accomplishments, active participation in transportation/logistics organizations, a continuing pursuit of knowledge and learning and participation in community service or volunteer organizations; two letters of recommendation from a member of the NPTC or from a management personnel within the candidate’s company who is familiar with the candidate’s job performance; an original essay of not less than 300 words on “Why I Want a Certified Transportation Professional (CTP) Scholarship.” Mail to: Institute for Truck Transportation Management, 2200 Mill Rd. Ste. 350, Alexandria, VA 22314. Deadline: September 1. Contact: National Private Truck Council, tel: 703-683-1300.

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