National Military Intelligence Association
National Military Intelligence Association
PO Box 479
Hamilton, VA 20159
Ph: (540)338-1143
NMIA Scholarship Program (Undergraduate/Scholarship)
Purpose: To support the growth of professional studies in the field of military intelligence and to recognize and reward excellence in the development and transfer of knowledge about military and associated intelligence disciplines. Focus: Military science and education. Qualif.: Applicants must be dependents of NMIA active members, mobilized reserve and national guard personnel, and other reserve or National Guard members, eligible for college entrance in the class of 2011. Criteria: Recipient will be selected based on academic achievement, SAT or ACT scores, extracurricular activities, and career objectives.
Funds Avail.: $1,000. Number Awarded: 3. To Apply: Applicants must submit application form, supporting transcripts and SAT or ACT scores. Deadline: August 1.
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National Military Intelligence Association
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National Military Intelligence Association