National Alliance of Preservation Commission
National Alliance of Preservation Commission
PO Box 1605
Athens, GA 30603
Ph: (706)542-4731
Fax: (706)583-0320
National Alliance of Preservation Commission Student Scholarships (Undergraduate/Scholarship)
Purpose: To provide financial assistance for graduating students in historic preservation. Focus: Historic Preservation. Qualif.: Applicants must be a graduate student in historic preservation or related fields to participate in the National Commission Forum. Criteria: Recipients are selected based on their academic standing.
Funds Avail.: No specific amount. To Apply: Applicants must submit a cover letter with name and contact information; a 500-word statement explaining interest and expectations in attending the Forum; an estimate of the Forum expenses and the anticipated financial contribution. Applicants must also submit a proof of current student status; current resume including two academic and/or professional references. Deadline: May 5. Contact: NAPC Forum Scholarship, PO Box 1605, Athens, GA 30603; napc@
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National Alliance of Preservation Commission
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National Alliance of Preservation Commission