Music Library Association

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Music Library Association

Carol June Bradley Awards (All/Grant)
Dena Epstein Award for Archival and Library Research in American Music (All/Grant)
Kevin Freeman Travel Grants (Graduate, Professional Development/Grant)
Walter Gerboth Awards (All/Grant)

8551 Research Way, Ste. 180
Middleton, WI 53562
Ph: (608)836-5825
Fax: (608)831-8200

Carol June Bradley Awards (All/Grant)

Purpose: To promote education involving the history of music libraries or special collections. Focus: Music; Library and archival sciences. Qualif.: Award is open to all interested applicants regardless of age, nationality, profession, or institutional affiliation. Criteria: Proposals will be reviewed on the basis of merit.

Funds Avail.: $1,000. To Apply: Applicants must submit a project summary, a preliminary budget, a current vita, and three names of references that must be sent to: Roberta Ford, Music Library, Columbus State University, 4225 University Ave., Columbus, GA 31907. Deadline: June 15. Contact: Roberta Ford,

Dena Epstein Award for Archival and Library Research in American Music (All/Grant)

Purpose: To support research in archives or libraries internationally on any aspect of American music. Focus: Music; Library and archival sciences. Qualif.: Award is open to all applicants regardless of age, nationality, profession, or institutional affiliation. Criteria: Proposals will be reviewed based on merit.

Funds Avail.: $2100. To Apply: Applicants must submit a brief research proposal (maximum of 10 pages) which includes description, detailed budget indicating the amount, justification, and additional sources of funding; curriculum vitae; and 3 letters of support from librarians and/or scholars. Submissions made electronically must be in Microsoft Word or PDF format and sent as e-mail attachments. If submitting by mail, include four copies of all documents. All documentation must be sent to: Prof. Suzanne L. Moulton-Gertig, Lamont School of Music, Newman Center for the Performing Arts, 2344 E. Iliff Ave., Denver, CO 80208 or Deadline: July 1.

Kevin Freeman Travel Grants (Graduate, Professional Development/Grant)

Purpose: To support travel and accommodation expenses for attendees of the MLA annual meeting. Focus: Music; Library and archival sciences. Qualif.: Applicants must be members of MAL; a graduate student in library school pursuing to become a music librarian; or a recent graduate of a graduate program in librarianship. Criteria: Applicants are selected based on merits.

Funds Avail.: $750. To Apply: Applicant must submit an application form; a current vita; and two letters of support mailed directly by the recommenders. Send application and other supporting materials in.pdf to: Judy Tsou, jstsou@ Deadline: July 15. Contact: Judy Tsou,

Walter Gerboth Awards (All/Grant)

Purpose: To assist research-in-progress in music or music librarianship. Focus: Music; Library and archival sciences. Qualif.: Applicants must be members of MLA who are in the first five years of their professional library careers. Criteria: Applicants will be reviewed based on merits.

Funds Avail.: $1000. To Apply: Applicants must submit the project description and statement of significance; a detailed total budget; two recommendation letters (one for the applicant and one for the project); and a curriculum vitae. All required materials must be sent to: Joseph Boonin, 1173 Singingwood Ct No. 2, Walnut Creek, CA 94595-3200, or Deadline: June 15. Contact: Joseph Boonin,

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