Montana Tech of the University of Montana: Narrative Description

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1300 West Park St.
Butte, MT 59701-8997
Tel: (406)496-4101; 800-445-TECH; Admissions: (406)496-4178; Fax: (406)496-4710; E-mail:; Web Site:

Description: State-supported, comprehensive, coed. Part of Montana University System. Awards associate, bachelor's, and master's degrees. Founded 1895. Setting: 56-acre small town campus. Endowment: $12.6 million. Research spending 2002-03: $5.1 million. Educational spending 2002-03: $4462 per student. Total enrollment: 2,232. Faculty: 156 (110 full-time, 46 part-time). Student-undergrad faculty ratio is 16:1. 13% from top 10% of their high school class, 35% from top quarter, 66% from top half. 11 valedictorians. Full-time: 1,774 students, 42% women, 58% men. Part-time: 368 students, 61% women, 39% men. Students come from 34 states and territories, 13 other countries, 11% from out-of-state, 32% 25 or older, 15% live on campus, 5% transferred in. Retention: 63% of 2003 full-time freshmen returned. Academic areas with the most degrees conferred: engineering/engineering technologies; business/marketing; health professions and related sciences. Core. Calendar: semesters. Academic remediation for entering students, services for LD students, advanced placement, self-designed majors, independent study, distance learning, double major, summer session for credit, part-time degree program, adult/continuing education programs, co-op programs and internships, graduate courses open to undergrads.

Entrance Requirements: Open admission for students attending the College of Technology. Options: Common Application, electronic application, early admission. Required: high school transcript, minimum 2.5 high school GPA, proof of immunization, SAT I or ACT. Entrance: moderately difficult. Application deadline: Rolling. Notification: continuous.

Costs Per Year: Application fee: $30. State resident tuition: $3350 full-time, $175 per credit part-time. Nonresident tuition: $8060 full-time, $500 per credit part-time. Mandatory fees: $1000 full-time, $36 per credit part-time, $482. Full-time tuition and fees vary according to course level, course load, degree level, and reciprocity agreements. Part-time tuition and fees vary according to course level, course load, degree level, location, and reciprocity agreements. College room and board: $4980. College room only: $2120. Room and board charges vary according to board plan and housing facility.

Collegiate Environment: Orientation program. Choral group, student-run newspaper, radio station. Social organizations: 35 open to all. Most popular organizations: Environmental Engineering Club, SH/IH Club, Petroleum Club SPE, Marcus Daly Mining, Chemistry Club. Major annual events: Homecoming, M-Days, Comedy Night. Student services: health clinic, personal-psychological counseling. Campus security: 24-hour patrols, controlled dormitory access. 339 college housing spaces available; 303 were occupied in 2002-03. Freshmen guaranteed college housing. On-campus residence required in freshman year. Option: coed housing available. Montana Tech Library plus 1 other with 161,187 books, 368,000 microform titles, 495 serials, 38 audiovisual materials, an OPAC, and a Web page. Operations spending 2002-03: $623,421. 500 computers available on campus for general student use. A campuswide network can be accessed from student residence rooms and from off campus. Staffed computer lab on campus.

Community Environment: Known as the "richest hill on earth," Butte has the reputation of being the world's greatest mining city. Mine workings consist of more than 10,000 miles of underground excavation. They produce a substantial percentage of the total amount of copper mined in the United States and a quantity of zinc ore. The Butte mining district is on the edge of one of the broad, faulted valleys characteristic of western Montana. During the more than 100 years of its active existence, this district has yielded manganese, copper, zinc, silver, lead, gold, and minor amounts of other metals. Three mountain ranges surround the city from the Continental Divide. The area is served by two transcontinental railroads, airlines, and bus lines. Butte community service facilities include many churches, two hospitals, five radio stations, and two TV stations. The city has a wholesale and retail shopping center. Many civic, fraternal, and professional organizations meet regularly in the immediate area. Recreation in the forms of skiing, hiking, fishing, hunting, boating, and golf are within minutes of the city.

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Montana Tech of the University of Montana: Narrative Description

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    Montana Tech of the University of Montana: Narrative Description