Midwest Food Processors Association

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Midwest Food Processors Association

Carleton A. Friday Memorial Scholarships (Undergraduate/Scholarship)
Kenneth G. Weckel Scholarships (Undergraduate/Scholarship)

4600 American Pkwy., Ste. 110
Madison, WI 53718-8334
Ph: (608)255-9946
Fax: (608)255-9838
Free: 800-369-6220
E-mail: info@mwfpa.org

Carleton A. Friday Memorial Scholarships (Undergraduate/Scholarship)

Purpose: To enhance and promote the business interests of the Midwest food processing industry. Focus: Agricultural sciences. Qualif.: Applicants must be undergraduate students who are majoring in agriculture or food science within the University of Wisconsin system. Criteria: Recipients are selected based on financial need.

Funds Avail.: Up to $1,500. Number Awarded: 3. To Apply: Applicants must submit completed application form indicating GPA; a letter of recommendation from advisor or other faculty member; a letter of interest; letter of recommendation from past employer; document/s indicating financial need; and contact information. Deadline: June 13.

Kenneth G. Weckel Scholarships (Undergraduate/Scholarship)

Purpose: To enhance and promote the business interests of the Midwest food processing industry. Focus: Agricultural sciences. Qualif.: Applicants must be undergraduate students who are majoring in agriculture or food science within the University of Wisconsin system. Criteria: Recipients are selected based on financial need.

Funds Avail.: $1,500. Number Awarded: 3. To Apply: Applicants must submit completed application form indicating GPA; a letter of recommendation from advisor or other faculty member; a letter of interest from students; letter of recommendation from past employer; documents indicating financial need; and contact information. Deadline: June 13.

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Midwest Food Processors Association

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