Medical Library Association
Medical Library Association
Continuing Education Awards (Graduate/Grant)
HLS/MLA Professional Development Grants (Doctorate/Grant)
David A. Kronick Travelling Fellowships (Doctorate/Fellowship)
Donald A. B. Lindberg Research Fellowships (Doctorate, Graduate/Fellowship)
MLA/NLM Spectrum Scholarship Program (Graduate/Scholarship)
MLA Research, Development, and Demonstration Project Grants (Graduate/Grant)
MLA Scholarships for Minority Students (Graduate/Scholarship)
Thomson Scientific/MLA Doctoral Fellowships (Doctorate/Fellowship)
65 E Wacker Place, Ste. 1900
Chicago, IL 60601-7246
Ph: (312)419-9094
Fax: (312)419-8950
Continuing Education Awards (Graduate/Grant)
Purpose: To assist MLA members in developing their knowledge of the theoretical, administrative, or technical aspects of librarianship. Focus: Library and archival sciences. Qualif.: Applicant must have a graduate degree in library science; must be a practicing health science librarian with at least two years of professional experience; a member of the MLA; a U.S. or Canadian citizen or have permanent residence status; must clearly identify a continuing education program within the U.S. or Canada. Criteria: Applicants with library experience and their professional activities are given consideration.
Funds Avail.: $100-$500. To Apply: Application forms are available at the website. Applicants must complete 7 copies of the application form and three names of references not related to the applicant. Nine copies of the completed application form and all related documents should be submitted to: Medical Library Association, Professional Development Department, 65 E Wacker Place, Ste. 1900, Chicago, IL 60601-7246, email: Deadline: December 1. Contact:
HLS/MLA Professional Development Grants (Doctorate/Grant)
Purpose: To support librarians working in hospitals and similar clinical settings with their educational or research activities. Focus: Library and archival sciences; Health sciences. Qualif.: Applicant must have been employed as a health sciences librarian within the last year in either a hospital or other clinical care institution; must not have previously received an HLS/MLA Professional Development Award or any MLA grant, scholarship, or other award within the past year; must be a member of the Hospital Libraries Sections/MLA. Criteria: Selection is based on the submitted application and supporting documents.
Funds Avail.: $800. To Apply: Application form is available at the website. Applicants must return nine copies of the completed application and nine copies of other documents to: Medical Library Association, Professional Development Department, 65 E. Wacker Place, Ste. 1900, Chicago, IL 60601-7246, email: Deadline: February 1 or August 1. Contact:
David A. Kronick Travelling Fellowships (Doctorate/Fellowship)
Purpose: To promote the education on health information management. Focus: Health care services; Management. Qualif.: Applicant must be a U.S. or Canadian citizen or have permanent residence status; member of the Medical Library Association; must have a graduate degree in library science; must be a practicing health sciences librarian with at least five years of professional experience. Criteria: Applicants and proposals will be selected based on merits and quality of materials submitted including originality and relevance.
Funds Avail.: $2,000. To Apply: Application forms are available at the website. Applicant must prepare a resume/CV; names of three references not related to the applicant; and a proposal containing: title, goals, objectives, methodology, significance, and budget of project. Nine copies of completed application and documents must be sent to: Medical Library Association, Professional Development Department, 65 E. Wacker Place, Ste. 1900, Chicago, IL 60601-7246, email: Deadline: December 1. Contact:
Donald A. B. Lindberg Research Fellowships (Doctorate, Graduate/Fellowship)
Purpose: To fund a research aimed at expanding the knowledge base used by librarians in improving health care and advances in biomedical research. Focus: Biomedical research; Health care services. Qualif.: Applicants must be sponsored by an institution or an organization; must be citizens of the United States or Canada; must have a bachelor's, master's, or doctor's degree or is enrolled in a degree program; must be committed to the health sciences. Criteria: Applications will be reviewed based on academic, scientific and technical specifications.
Funds Avail.: $8,100. To Apply: Applicants must submit an application electronically together with a curriculum vitae or biographical sketch; research proposal (5-10 pages) including background and rationale, research aims, budget, research design and methodology, timeline, and plans for disseminating the results; letters of support from the applicant's home institution or from sponsoring institutions or organizations. Deadline: November 15. Contact: mlapd2@
MLA/NLM Spectrum Scholarship Program (Graduate/Scholarship)
Purpose: To promote health information management education. Focus: Health sciences. Qualif.: Applicant must be of African American, Hispanic, Asian, Native American, or Pacific Islander heritage attending an ALA-accredited library school. Criteria: Recipient is selected based on merit.
Funds Avail.: $6,500. To Apply: Applicants must contact ALA Spectrum program for scholarship information. Deadline: March 1.
Remarks: The award is jointly sponsored by the MLA and National library of Medicine (NLM) through the American Library Association (ALA) Spectrum Initiative Scholarship program. Contact: 800-545-2433
MLA Research, Development, and Demonstration Project Grants (Graduate/Grant)
Purpose: To fund a research or project that promotes excellence in the field of health sciences librarianship. Focus: Library and archival sciences; Health sciences. Qualif.: Applicants must have a graduate degree in library science; should be a practicing health sciences librarian with at least two years of professional experience; an individual member of the Medical Library Association; a U.S. or Canadian citizen or has permanent residence status. Criteria: Recipients of the awards will be evaluated based on the applicant and on the proposal criteria set by the Awards committee.
Funds Avail.: $100 to $1,000. To Apply: Application forms are available from the website. Proposals must contain title, goals, objectives, methodology, significance and budget. Nine copies of the completed application form and all related documents should be submitted to: Medical Library Association, Professional Development Department, 65 E. Wacker Place, Ste. 1900, Chicago, IL 60601-7246, email: Deadline: December 1. Contact:
MLA Scholarships for Minority Students (Graduate/Scholarship)
Purpose: To promote the education on health information management. Focus: Library and archival sciences; Health sciences. Qualif.: Applicant must be a U.S. or Canadian citizen or have permanent residence status; a member of a minority group (African-American, Hispanic, Asian, Native American, or Pacific Islander); entering an ALA-accredited graduate library school; must have completed no more than half of the graduate program. Criteria: Preference is given to those who have not been a recipient of the award.
Funds Avail.: $5,000. To Apply: Applicant must submit seven copies of the completed application form available at the website; 2-3 letters of reference from persons not related to the applicant; and an official transcript (sent directly by the respective institution to the MLA office). Nine copies of the completed application form and essay, and single copy of all related documents, must be returned to: Medical Library Association, Professional Development Department, 65 E. Wacker Place, Ste. 1900, Chicago, IL 60601-7246, email: Deadline: December 1. Contact:
Thomson Scientific/MLA Doctoral Fellowships (Doctorate/Fellowship)
Purpose: To fund a doctoral work in health sciences librarianship or information science. Focus: Health sciences;
Information science and technology; Library and archival sciences. Qualif.: Applicant must be a graduate of an ALA-accredited school of library science; a candidate in a Ph.D. program emphasizing on biomedical and health-related information science; and a U.S. or Canadian citizen of permanent residence status. Criteria: Preference is given to applicants who have completed at least 75 percent of their course work and dissertation prospectus either approved or in the approval process.
Funds Avail.: $2,000. To Apply: Application form is available at the website. Applicant must prepare two letters of reference (submitted directly to MLA); transcript or proof of enrollment in the graduate program and list of completed courses (mailed directly to MLA); and the name, title, address, phone, and email of doctoral advisor. Applicants must submit nine copies of completed application and other supporting materials to: Medical Library Association, Professional Development Department, 65 E. Wacker Place, Ste. 1900, Chicago, IL 60601-7246, email: mlapd2@ Deadline: December 1. Contact: mlapd2@
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Medical Library Association