Lourdes College: Tabular Data
6832 Convent Blvd.
Sylvania, OH 43560-2898
Tel: (419)885-3211; 800-878-3210; Admissions: (419)885-5291; Fax: (419)882-3987; E-mail: lcadmits@lourdes.edu; Web Site: http://www.lourdes.edu/
President/CEO: Dr. George C. Matthews
Registrar: Michelle A. Rable
Admissions: Amy Mergen
Financial Aid: Gregory Guzman
Type: Comprehensive
Sex: Coed
Affiliation: Roman Catholic
Scores: 100% SAT V 400+; 100% SAT M 400+; 65% ACT 18-23; 9% ACT 24-29
% Accepted: 25
Admission Plans: Early Admission; Deferred Admission
Application Deadline: Rolling
Application Fee: $25.00
H.S. Requirements: High school diploma required; GED accepted
Costs Per Year: Application fee: $25. Tuition: $14,200 full-time, $330 per credit hour part-time. Mandatory fees: $900 full-time, $40 per credit hour part-time. Full-time tuition and fees vary according to course load and program. Part-time tuition and fees vary according to course load and program.
Scholarships: Available
Calendar System: Semester, Summer Session Available
Enrollment: FT 495, PT 707, Grad 47
Faculty: FT 60, PT 65
Student-Faculty Ratio: 14:1
Exams: SAT I or ACT
% Receiving Financial Aid: 81
Library Holdings: 57,730
Regional Accreditation: North Central Association of Colleges and Schools
Credit Hours For Degree: 60 credit hours, Associates; 120 credit hours, Bachelors
ROTC: Army
Professional Accreditation: CSWE, NLN
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Lourdes College: Tabular Data
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