Lounsberry, Barbara

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LOUNSBERRY, Barbara. American, b. 1946. Genres: Adult non-fiction, Humanities, Writing/Journalism, Biography, Documentaries/Reportage, Essays. Career: University of Northern Iowa, Cedar Falls, news and feature writer at Office of Public Information, 1965-72, instructor of journalism, 1973-74, assistant professor of English, 1976-82, associate professor, 1983-89, professor of English, 1990-. Publications: The Art of Fact: Contemporary Artists of Nonfiction, 1990; The Writer in You, 1992; (ed. with G. Talese) Writing Creative Nonfiction: The Literature of Reality, 1996; The Tales We Tell: Perspectives on the Short Story, 1998; Time and Chance: An Iowa Mystery, 1998; 16,000 Suspects, 1999; Politics Is Murder: An Iowa Mystery, 2000. Address: Department of English, University of Northern Iowa, Cedar Falls, IA 50614-0502, U.S.A. Online address: Barbara.Lounsberry@uni.edu

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