Lakeland Community College: Distance Learning Programs

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Kirtland, Ohio
Instructional Technology

Lakeland Community College was founded in 1967. It is accredited by North Central Association of Colleges and Schools. It first offered distance learning courses in 1980. In fall 2003, there were 1,500 students enrolled in distance learning courses. Institutionally administered financial aid is available to distance learners.

Services Distance learners have accessibility to academic advising, bookstore, campus computer network, career placement assistance, e-mail services, library services, tutoring.

Contact Ms. Sherry Kocevar, Instructional Materials Coordinator, Lakeland Community College, 7700 Clocktower Drive, Kirtland, OH 44094-5198. Telephone: 440-525-7130. Fax: 440-525-7602. E-mail:


Programs offered do not lead to a degree or other formal award.


Undergraduate— accounting; applied mathematics; art history; biology; business marketing and marketing management; computer and information sciences, general; economics; entrepreneurship; film/video and photographic arts; geography; health and physical education/fitness; history; mathematical statistics; sociology.

Non-credit— accounting; administrative and secretarial services; advertising; business and personal services marketing operations; business communications; business information and data processing services; business management and administrative services, other; business/managerial economics; business quantitative methods and management science; communication disorders sciences and services; communications, general; communications, other; communications technologies; community health services; community organization, resources and services; computer and information sciences, general; computer and information sciences, other; computer engineering; computer/information technology administration and management; computer programming; data entry/microcomputer applications; data processing technology; engineering, other; enterprise management and operation; entrepreneurship; environmental control technologies; environmental/environmental health engineering; family and community studies; family/consumer resource management; film/video and photographic arts; financial management and services; financial services marketing operations; fine arts and art studies; floristry marketing operations; general retailing/wholesaling; gerontology; health and physical education/fitness; health products and services marketing operations; health professions and related sciences, other; heating, air conditioning and refrigeration mechanics and repairers; historic preservation, conservation and architectural history; history; horticulture services operations and management; hospitality/recreation marketing; hospitality services management; quality control and safety technologies; real estate; soil sciences; South Asian languages and literatures; special education; taxation; tourism/travel marketing; veterinary clinical sciences (M.S., Ph.D.); wildlife and wildlands management.

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Lakeland Community College: Distance Learning Programs

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