Kansas State University: Distance Learning Programs In-Depth

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Kansas State University

Division of Continuing Education

Distance Education

Manhattan, Kansas


Kansas State University innovatively offers high-quality courses and degree programs to students who are not geographically located near the Manhattan campus. K-State utilizes cutting-edge technologies that enhance the learning environment and extend it far beyond the University's physical boundaries.

Adults across the country want to complete their education, advance their careers, or change their professions. Success requires dedication, self-direction, and perseverance on the part of the student. Distance education offered by K-State provides people with an opportunity to pursue these goals without leaving a current job or family. K-State offers bachelor's degrees, master's degrees, and certificate programs at a distance.


K-State offers courses through a variety of delivery methods. Most courses follow regular K-State semester dates. Some courses require minimum computer system requirements. Kansas State University offers more than 250 courses per year through distance education. Courses are offered in a variety of subject areas, and students can take many of these without enrolling in a degree program.

Delivery methods include use of videotapes and audiotapes, the Web, listservs, e-mail, discussion rooms, guided study, desktop video, community-based outreach courses, independent study, correspondence course work with other institutions, military training credit evaluations (based on American Council for Education Guidelines), portfolio/experiential credit assessments, standardized test taking, credit by examination and competency assessments, and petitions for special exams.


K-State has been offering degree completion programs through distance education for more than thirty years. The goal of the Distance Education Degree Completion Programs is to help students complete the last two years of a Bachelor of Science degree. K-State staff is available to help students get started, stay directed, and earn a Bachelor of Science degree.

A student's requirements include a minimum of 30 K-State hours, with 20 of the last 30 hours earned from K-State. Students may transfer a maximum of 60 credit hours to K-State from other institutions. The average student completes a bachelor's degree in two to six years; the pace is up to the student.

Bachelor's degree completion programs are offered in animal sciences and industry, general business, food science and industry, interdisciplinary social science, early childhood education (limited to Kansas), and dietetics.

Master's degree programs offered include agribusiness, industrial/organizational psychology, personal financial planning, electrical engineering, civil engineering, chemical engineering, software engineering, engineering management, and food science.


Certificate/endorsement programs are also offered. These programs include a food science certificate program, a personal financial planning certificate program, an occupational health certificate program, and an early childhood education credential.

K-State is a member of Service Members Opportunity College for the SOCAD-2 flexible-degree network. This network guarantees worldwide transfer of credit for military personnel who take courses from participating colleges and universities.

Kansas State University (K-State) was founded on February 16, 1863, as a land-grant institution under the Morrill Act. Originally located on the grounds of the old Bluemont Central College, which was chartered in 1858, the University was moved to its present site in 1875.

The 664-acre campus is in Manhattan, 125 miles west of Kansas City, via Interstate 70, in the rolling Flint Hills of northeast Kansas. The Salina campus, 70 miles west of Manhattan, was established through a merger of the former Kansas College of Technology with the University. This was made possible by an enactment of the 1991 Kansas Legislature.

K-State is accredited by the North Central Association of Colleges and Schools (NCA). One of the six universities governed by the Kansas Board of Regents, Kansas State University continues to fulfill its historic educational mission in teaching, research, and public service.


Students in degree programs receive advising from the college offering the degree. The Division of Continuing Education also has Program Coordinators for each college, who can provide assistance.

Library services are available to students enrolled in degree completion programs. A K-State library services facilitator helps students access materials in the K-State library.

Financial aid is available for students seeking degrees. Scholarships are also available.

The technical support help desk can provide a variety of technical support services once a student is enrolled in a distance education course and has paid the media fee.

For information about all the student services, students should visit the Student Services Web site at http://www.dce.ksu.edu/studentservices.


Kansas State University is an accredited institution offering credit courses through distance education. Distance education courses are taught by faculty members who teach K-State on-campus courses.


Each distance education degree program has specific admission requirements and procedures. Bachelor's degree completion programs require an application fee of $60. Admission information is available for each program at the Web address listed below.


Distance education tuition at K-State is the same for both in-state and out-of-state students. Tuition is the cost for an academic course and includes a per-credit-hour charge. It may also include additional tuition components. Tuition components include student services, TELENET 2 media fee, engineering equipment and maintenance, licensing, tape/Web media, and distance education support.


Students may be eligible for financial aid for distance education courses if federal requirements are met, they are admitted and enrolled in a degree program in Kansas State University, and they are enrolled in a minimum of 6 credit hours of Kansas State University course work. Each student is assigned a financial aid adviser.

Scholarships are also available to students enrolled in degree programs.


Division of Continuing Education
Kansas State University
13 College Court Building
Manhattan, Kansas 66506-6002
Telephone: 785-532-5575 800-622-2KSU (toll-free)
Fax: 785-532-5637
E-mail: degrees@dce.ksu.edu
Web site: http://www.dce.ksu.edu/distance


The application process for each program varies. For complete information on a specific program, students can access the Web site listed below or contact the Division of Continuing Education at 785-532-5687 or at the toll-free number listed below, or by e-mail at the address listed below.

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Kansas State University: Distance Learning Programs In-Depth

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