Information Technology Industry Alliance of Nova Scotia

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Information Technology Industry Alliance of Nova Scotia

PO Box 9410 Sta. A
Halifax, NS, Canada B3K 5S3
Ph: (902)423-5332
Fax: (902)484-5094

Dr. Stan Heaps Memorial Scholarships (Undergraduate/Scholarship)

Purpose: To provide financial assistance for qualified individuals. Focus: Computer and information sciences. Qualif.: Applicant must be a student about to enter his or her junior or senior year at a 4-year Nova Scotia university program leading to a degree with specialization in computer studies; must have achieved a minimum overall GPA of 2.67; must be a Canadian citizen or landed immigrant. Criteria: Selection of recipients is based on academic merit with an emphasis on courses most relevant to computer science. Consideration will be given to students with extracurricular, leadership and community involvement activities.

Funds Avail.: $2,000. Number Awarded: 2. To Apply: applicants must complete and submit the scholarship application form available at the CIPS Bluenose website and must also submit any additional information supporting their application. Deadline: May 30.

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Information Technology Industry Alliance of Nova Scotia

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    Information Technology Industry Alliance of Nova Scotia