Indiana State University: Distance Learning Programs In-Depth

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Distance Learning Program
Terre Haute, Indiana

Distance Learning Program

Indiana State University (ISU) has offered distance programs since 1969. Many programs can be completed entirely via distance education; others require minimal campus visits. Selected distance programs and numerous courses can be completed by out-of-state and international students. More than 1,000 students enroll in ISU distance learning courses each semester.

Delivery Media

Courses are offered via the Internet, videotapes, correspondence, and live television accessible at receive sites. Television courses offer live, twoway interaction among students and the instructor. Students enrolled in correspondence courses work independently, interacting with their instructor via written communications. Students in Internet courses and some videotape courses interact via e-mail and Internet chat rooms. Equipment requirements depend on course format and may include an Internet-connected computer, VCR, and audio cassette player.

Programs of Study

Students may complete individual undergraduate or graduate courses; each semester, approximately 200 ISU courses are offered via distance education. In addition, eligible students may complete numerous undergraduate and graduate degrees and professional development programs.

Undergraduate degree programs include an Associate of Science in general aviation flight technology and bachelor's degree–completion programs in business administration, career and technical education, community health promotion, criminology, electronics technology, industrial technology, human resource development, industrial supervision, insurance and risk management, mechanical engineering technology, and nursing. Undergraduate nondegree programs include basic and advanced certificate programs in corrections, law enforcement, and private security; an endorsement in driver education; and a certification program in library media services.

Graduate degree programs include a doctoral program in technology management and master's programs in criminology, electronics and computer technology, health and safety, human resource development, nursing, and student affairs and higher education. Graduate nondegree programs include an endorsement program in driver education, licensure programs in school administration and secondary teaching, and certification programs in public administration and library media services.

Special Programs

Degree Link is a bachelor's degree–completion program that enables individuals to transfer previously earned credit to ISU and complete selected bachelor's degrees via distance education. Students may transfer credit earned from Ivy Tech State College, Vincennes University, or another accredited institution.

The Library Media Services Certification Program consists of 27 hours of library and media courses leading to an undergraduate minor and certification or graduate certification in library media services.

The Master of Science in electronics and computer technology program is a minimum of 32 semester hours. The program includes a focus or concentration in instrumentation, systems, and automation.

Indiana State University is a medium-sized, comprehensive university accredited by the North Central Association of Colleges and Schools. Founded in 1865, the University has grown to serve a student population that includes 11,000 students from all fifty states and sixty-one countries. International students comprise 4 percent of the student population.

Attention to and concern for the individual is reflected in the institution's offerings. Flexible and responsive programs are designed to facilitate student attainment of academic, vocational, and personal goals. Classes are designed to meet the needs of full-time and part-time students. Nondegree study is also available for those seeking personal growth, transferable credit, and enrichment through lifelong learning.

In addition to offering distance programs and courses, the University offers undergraduate and graduate programs in more than 100 areas of study on the Indiana State University campus in Terre Haute, Indiana.

The Ph.D. in technology management is offered through the School of Technology in cooperation with a consortium of eight other universities. Course work includes a general technology core, a technical specialization, cognate studies, an intern-ship, and a research core and dissertation.

Student Services

Indiana State University offers distance learners a comprehensive package of services, including online registration, academic advisement, a virtual bookstore, library services, technical support, and career counseling. The Office of Distance Support Services offers one-stop assistance to individuals interested in pursuing undergraduate and graduate courses and programs via distance learning.

Credit Options

Students earn credit by registering for and completing semester-based courses offered on campus or via distance learning. In addition, undergraduate students may opt to earn credit via year-based study. Selected programs enable undergraduates to earn credit for prior work experience, by examination, and through portfolios. Graduate students are eligible to transfer selected credit; each department determines the number of hours transferable.


Distance courses are developed and taught by ISU's full-time faculty members. Working with instructional designers and media specialists, faculty members transform on-campus courses to distance formats.


Admission requirements vary by program of study. For information, prospective students should contact the Office of Distance Support Services.

Tuition and Fees

Distance learners are eligible for fee waivers that equate to in-state fees. For details, students should visit the program's Web site.


Melissa Hughes, Director
Office of Distance Support Services
Indiana State University
Erickson Hall, Room 211
Terre Haute, Indiana 47809
Phone: 888-237-8080 (toll-free)
Fax: 812-237-8540
Web site:


Individuals may obtain undergraduate and graduate applications, information, and assistance by contacting the Office of Distance Support Services.

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Indiana State University: Distance Learning Programs In-Depth

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Indiana State University: Distance Learning Programs In-Depth