Hemophilia Federation of America
Hemophilia Federation of America
1405 W Pinhook Rd., Ste. 101
Lafayette, LA 70503
Ph: (337)261-9787
Fax: (337)261-1787
Free: 800-230-9797
E-mail: info@hemophiliafed.org
Hemophilia Federation of America Educational Scholarships (Undergraduate/Scholarship)
Purpose: To assists and advocates for the bleeding disorders community. Focus: Hemophilia. Qualif.: Applicants must have hemophilia or von Willlebrand (VWD) and must be seeking a post-secondary education from a college, university, or trade school. The applicant must also be able to demonstrate a commitment to improving quality of life by pursuing his/her goals with determination. Criteria: Selection will be based on the scholarship committee of HFA.
Funds Avail.: $1,500. To Apply: Applicants must submit a complete application; essay; proof of academic standing; statement of financial need and parents previous year’s tax return (if applicant is a dependent, otherwise the applicant’s tax return); proof of enrollment; two letters of reference (one professional reference the other from the HTC or physician) Deadline: April 30.
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Hemophilia Federation of America
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Hemophilia Federation of America