Grace University: Narrative Description

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1311 South Ninth St.
Omaha, NE 68108
Tel: (402)449-2800; 800-383-1422; Admissions: (402)449-2831; Fax: (402)341-9587; E-mail:; Web Site:

Description: Independent interdenominational, comprehensive, specialized, coed. Awards associate, bachelor's, and master's degrees. Founded 1943. Setting: 15-acre urban campus. Endowment: $890,668. Educational spending 2002-03: $3885 per student. Total enrollment: 513. Faculty: 50 (25 full-time, 25 part-time). Student-undergrad faculty ratio is 18:1. 325 applied, 46% were admitted. Full-time: 375 students, 58% women, 42% men. Part-time: 52 students, 52% women, 48% men. Students come from 30 states and territories, 4 other countries, 36% from out-of-state, 0.5% Native American, 2% Hispanic, 5% black, 0% Asian American or Pacific Islander, 61% live on campus, 11% transferred in. Retention: 68% of 2003 full-time freshmen returned. Core. Calendar: semesters. Services for LD students, advanced placement, accelerated degree program, self-designed majors, independent study, distance learning, double major, summer session for credit, part-time degree program, external degree program, adult/continuing education programs, co-op programs and internships, graduate courses open to undergrads. Off campus study at Iowa Western Community College, Metropolitan Community College (NE), University of Nebraska at Omaha, Bellevue University, Clarkson College. Study abroad program. ROTC: Army (c), Air Force (c).

Entrance Requirements: Options: electronic application, early admission, deferred admission, international baccalaureate accepted. Required: essay, high school transcript, minimum 2.0 high school GPA, 3 recommendations, ACT. Required for some: interview. Entrance: moderately difficult. Application deadline: Rolling.

Costs Per Year: Application fee: $35. Comprehensive fee: $15,680 includes full-time tuition ($10,500), mandatory fees ($180), and college room and board ($5000). Room and board charges vary according to board plan and housing facility. Part-time tuition: $350 per credit hour. Part-time tuition varies according to course load.

Collegiate Environment: Orientation program. Choral group, student-run radio station. Social organizations: ; 12% of eligible men and 20% of eligible women are members. Most popular organizations: choral group, band, radio station, yearbook. Major annual events: Spiritual Orientation (Welcome Week), Bible Conference, World Christian Conference. Student services: health clinic, personal-psychological counseling. Campus security: student patrols, late night transport-escort service, controlled dormitory access. 322 college housing spaces available; 244 were occupied in 2002-03. Freshmen given priority for college housing. On-campus residence required through sophomore year. Options: men-only, women-only housing available. Grace University Library with 46,736 books, 623 microform titles, 3,721 serials, 3,882 audiovisual materials, an OPAC, and a Web page. Operations spending 2002-03: $116,023. 45 computers available on campus for general student use. A campuswide network can be accessed. Staffed computer lab on campus.

Community Environment: Grace University adheres to four values that revolve around community living: honesty, integrity, responsibility, and accountability.

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