Forest History Society

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Forest History Society

Alfred D. Bell Travel Grants (All/Grant)
Frederick K. Weyerhaeuser Forest History Fellowships (Graduate/Fellowship)

701 William Vickers Ave.
Durham, NC 27701-3162
Ph: (919)682-9319
Fax: (919)682-2349

Alfred D. Bell Travel Grants (All/Grant)

Purpose: To provide financial assistance to researchers conducting in-depth studies using resources in the society's archive and library. Focus: General studies. Qualif.: Candidates must be researchers conducting in-depth studies who use FHS research resources to support their work. Criteria: Preference is given to persons whose research topics are well covered in the FHS library and archives. Preference is also given to young scholars per the wishes of the Bell family.

Funds Avail.: Support travel and lodging expenses of up to $950. To Apply: Applicants must submit a completed hard copy of the application form at the FHS office.

Remarks: The grant is given in honor of Alfred D. Bell, Jr., former VP of Forest History Society (FHS). Contact: Cheryl Oakes.

Frederick K. Weyerhaeuser Forest History Fellowships (Graduate/Fellowship)

Purpose: To support FHS programs and to strengthen the society's affiliation with Duke University. Focus: Forestry, Environmental conservation and History. Qualif.: Applicants must be Duke University graduate students pursuing research in the fields of forest, conservation or environmental history. Criteria: Fellowship recipient is selected on the basis of merit. Proposals are judged in terms of overall significance and quality of presentation.

Funds Avail.: The fellowship consists of an $11,000 stipend, distributed quarterly. To Apply: Applicants must submit a narrative description of research (up to eight pages), including significance of topic, research approach, author's background, research and writing schedule and budget. Attachments are not necessary but may include previous publications, written chapters and basic bibliography; curriculum vitae and 2-3 letters of recommendation from persons knowledgeable of the applicant's research. Letters of recommendation should address the author's qualifications and may describe the significance of the topic to forest and conservation history; five hard copies of the proposal and an electronic copy of the proposal without supporting documents. Applicants must provide a cover letter that states the title of the proposed research, a one-paragraph summary of the significance of the project and a description of the historical nature of the project. Deadline: January 31.

Remarks: The fellowship was established in 1986 to honor the memory of Frederick K. Weyerhaeuser. Contact: Andrea Anderson at the above address (see entry 3029).

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