Florida Gulf Coast University: Distance Learning Programs In-Depth

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Florida Gulf Coast University

Distance Learning Programs

Fort Myers, Florida


Distance learning at FGCU is an instructional strategy that is central to the University's mission. FGCU is committed to the development of innovative distance learning course designs that utilize a technology-rich learning environment. FGCU's distance-learning students receive personalized attention from faculty members strategically selected to accomplish high-quality instruction and exceptional service.


FGCU supports five methods of distance learning delivery: the Internet, videotape, two-way interactive video, broadcast video, and e-mail. Each course uses one or more of these methods, depending on the intended learning outcomes. All distancelearning courses currently being offered include extensive Web site and e-mail communication. The use of video is incorporated into many, but not all, courses.


There are currently three master's and two bachelor's degree programs offered by FGCU via distance learning. Brief descriptions of these programs appear below. For full details, students should visit the Web site (http://itech.fgcu.edu/distance) and select Programs and Courses to see course offerings in the current semester.

The Master of Business Administration (M.B.A.) provides a challenging curriculum designed to prepare students for leadership positions in organizations. Leadership, teamwork, information technology, entrepreneurial vision, and global awareness are integrated throughout the program. All courses for this program are available at a distance. For more information, students should visit the Web site at http://www.fgcu.edu/cob/mba.

The interdisciplinary Master of Science in Health Science program offers a choice of four concentrations: health professions education, practice, health services administration, and gerontology. The education and practice concentrations are limited to those qualified in a health profession. All courses for this program are available at a distance. For more information, students should visit the Web site at http://www.fgcu.edu/chp/hs.

The Master of Public Administration (M.P.A.) is an applied degree program that prepares students for successful administrative careers in the public sector. It is designed for students who have significant in-service experience and for students who have little prior work experience in public agencies. All courses for this program are available at a distance. For more information, students should visit the Web site at http://cps.fgcu.edu.

The Bachelor of Science in criminal justice degree program prepares students for careers in criminal justice professions and/or graduate education. The curriculum provides students the opportunity to acquire knowledge of the roles and challenges faced by police, courts, and corrections and their interrelationship within the justice system. All upper-division undergraduate courses for this program are available at a distance to those students who have completed at least 60 hours of undergraduate course work. For more information, students should visit the Web site at http://cps.fgcu.edu.

Florida Gulf Coast University (FGCU) opened its doors to students in August 1997 and is housed on a state-of-the-art campus located on the southwest coast of Florida in Fort Myers. Its primary mission is to provide a broad range of undergraduate and graduate programs in arts and sciences, business, technology, environmental science, education, allied health, and social services. FGCU was founded as a dual-mode institution to provide a full range of on-campus degree programs and selected degree programs for distance learners. The University now serves regional, state, national, and international audiences with these programs. FGCU is fully accredited by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools (SACS). Additional information about the University and its programs may be found on the World Wide Web at http://www.fgcu.edu.

The interdisciplinary Bachelor of Science in Health Science program is designed to provide career advancement opportunities for entry-level health profession practitioners and individuals who seek careers in health care, such as physical therapy. All of the upper-division undergraduate courses for this program are available at a distance to those students who have completed at least 60 hours of undergraduate course work. For more information, students should visit the Web site at http://www.fgcu.edu/chp/hs.


Florida Gulf Coast University offers a diverse array of certificate programs. To learn more, students should visit the Web at http://www.fgcu.edu/info/certificate.asp.

Florida Gulf Coast University is part of a consortium of forty-six universities that participate in the National Technological University (NTU) Satellite Network, serving the needs of engineers, technical professionals, and managers using advanced telecommunications technology. Degrees and certificates are awarded at the master's level to candidates sponsored by corporations or organizations affiliated with NTU. Students who wish to participate need to confirm NTU sponsorship with employers.

Florida Gulf Coast University is also a member of the Southern Regional Education Board Electronic Campus (SREC). Additional information may be found on the Web at http://www.electroniccampus.org.


Many of the services for students on campus are also available to students at a distance. A spirit of cooperation within Student Services fosters a learning environment that promotes the academic success and personal and career development of students, with an emphasis on leadership skills, community services, and an appreciation for diversity. For more information, students should visit the Web site at http://Studentservices.fgcu.edu/supportservices.


Credits earned through distance education are recorded on a Florida Gulf Coast University transcript in the same manner as credits earned in on-campus courses. Individuals may enroll as non-degree-seeking or degree-seeking students, but there are limits on the amount of credit awarded to non-degree-seeking students that may be transferred to a degree-seeking program. Students should contact the Office of Undergraduate Admission at admissions@fgcu.edu or 888-889-1095 (toll-free) for additional details and assistance.


Distance education faculty members meet all of the standards set forth by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools and the State of Florida. They are available to answer questions and provide feedback via telephone, fax, e-mail, or regular mail.


Admission decisions are based on standards set by the Florida Board of Education for the State University System of Florida. Criteria for admission depend on applicant status: degree-seeking or non-degree-seeking and graduate or undergraduate. For more information, students should visit the Web site at http://www.fgcu.edu/prospective.


Current tuition and fees are published on the Web site at http://www.fgcu.edu/info/fees.asp. For the 2004–05 academic year, per-credit-hour costs are $101.85 for undergraduate Florida residents, $219.54 for graduate residents, $505.07 for undergraduate nonresidents, and $840.65 for graduate nonresidents.


The University offers a comprehensive program of financial assistance for traditional and nontraditional students pursuing undergraduate or graduate degrees. The Financial Aid and Scholarships Office is responsible for helping students secure the necessary funds to pursue education. The office is proactive in offering information to enrolled and prospective students about the availability of financial assistance. Students should contact the Financial Aid and Scholarships Office at FASO@fgcu.edu or 239-590-7920 or visit the Web site at http://enrollment.fgcu.edu/financialaid.


Students may apply for undergraduate admission as a degree-seeking or non-degree-seeking student via the Web site by completing the University's Application for Undergraduate Admission at http://enrollment.fgcu.edu/admissions/applyonline.htm. To complete the application, students must include a $30 application fee with their completed and signed residency statement.


Florida Gulf Coast University
10501 FGCU Boulevard South
Fort Myers, Florida 33965-6565
Telephone: 239-590-7878 888-889-1095 (toll-free) 239-590-7886 (TTY)
E-mail: admissions@fgcu.edu graduate@fgcu.edu
Web site: http://www.fgcu.edu

Applicants seeking graduate admission as degree or nondegree status can obtain either application via the Web at http://www.fgcu.edu/graduate.

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Florida Gulf Coast University: Distance Learning Programs In-Depth

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