Fairmont State Community & Technical College: Narrative Description

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1201 Locust Ave.
Fairmont, WV 26554
Tel: (304)367-4892
Free: 800-641-5678
Admissions: (304)367-4062
Fax: (304)367-4692
Web Site: http://www.fscwv.edu/fsctc/


State-supported, 2-year, coed. Administratively affiliated with Fairmont State College. Awards certificates, transfer associate, and terminal associate degrees. Setting: 90-acre small town campus. Endowment: $91,000. Research spending 2003-04: $1834. Total enrollment: 3,355. 1,267 applied, 88% were admitted. Full-time: 1,878 students, 54% women, 46% men. Part-time: 1,477 students, 61% women, 39% men. Students come from 11 states and territories, 1% Native American, 1% Hispanic, 5% black, 1% Asian American or Pacific Islander, 0% international, 15% 25 or older. Calendar: semesters. Summer session for credit, part-time degree program, external degree program, adult/continuing education programs.

Entrance Requirements:

Open admission except for health career programs. Options: Common Application, electronic application, deferred admission, international baccalaureate accepted. Required: SAT or ACT. Recommended: high school transcript, minimum 2.25 high school GPA. Required for some: ACT COMPASS. Entrance: minimally difficult. Application deadline: Rolling. Notification: continuous.

Costs Per Year:

Application fee: $0. State resident tuition: $3008 full-time, $67 per credit hour part-time. Nonresident tuition: $7020 full-time, $183 per credit hour part-time. Full-time tuition varies according to location. Part-time tuition varies according to location. College room and board: $5228. College room only: $2680. Room and board charges vary according to board plan and housing facility.

Collegiate Environment:

Orientation program. Drama-theater group, choral group, marching band, student-run newspaper. Social organizations: national fraternities, national sororities. Student services: health clinic, personal-psychological counseling. 600 college housing spaces available; all were occupied in 2003-04.

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Fairmont State Community & Technical College: Narrative Description

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