Enlisted Association of National Guard of the United States

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Enlisted Association of National Guard of the United States

3133 Mount Vernon Ave.
Alexandria, VA 22305-2640
ph: (703)519-3846
Fax: (703)519-3849
Free: 800-234-3264
E-mail: eangus@eangus.org

CSM Virgil R. Williams Scholarships (Undergraduate/Scholarship)

Purpose: To support the education of EANGUS members, their spouses and their unmarried children. Focus: General studies. Qualif.: Applicant must be EANGUS Auxiliary members; must be unmarried, dependent sons and daughters of EANGUS Auxiliary members; must be spouses of EANGUS Auxiliary members. Criteria: Awards will be made based on the applicants character, leadership and financial need.

Funds Avail.: $2,000. Number Awarded: 2. To Apply:

Applicant must submit a transcript of high school credits and/or a transcript of college credits for applicants already in an institution of higher learning; must have a letter from the applicant with personal, specific facts as to his/her desire to continue his/her educationand why financial assistance is required; must have three letters of academic

recommendation verifying the application and giving moral, personal and leadership traits. Application form and other documents must be submitted electronically via the internet to the Chairman of the Scholarship Committee except the school transcript. Deadline: July 1.

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